
When Science is Art: a New Map of Wind Patterns

A new map of wind patterns is so visually stunning it's easily mistaken for art. This interactive visualization of wind…

11 years ago

Comet Tourism Flight Trades ISON For Lovejoy

When Comet ISON entered its zombie stage a few weeks ago, the effects were not only felt in the astronomical…

11 years ago

How Scientists Confirmed The Mass Of An Invisible Exoplanet

Planets are so very tiny next to stars outside of the solar system, making it really hard to spot exoplanets…

11 years ago

Lithopanspermia: How Earth May Have Seeded Life on Other Solar System Bodies

With the recent discovery that Europa has geysers, and therefore definitive proof of a liquid ocean, there’s a lot of…

11 years ago

Tonight: The Rise of the 2013 “Mini-Moon”

  The final Full Moon of 2013 occurs tonight, and along with it comes something special: the most distant and visually…

11 years ago

Thousands Of Supermassive Black Holes Could Lurk In New X-Ray Data

Supermassive black holes likely are behind most of the nearly 100,000 new X-ray sources plotted by the Swift X-ray Telescope,…

11 years ago

When Is a Star Not a Star?

When it's a brown dwarf -- but where do we draw the line? Often called "failed stars," brown dwarfs are…

11 years ago

This Picture Symbolizes The Changing Mission Of One Plucky Spacecraft

Besides being a darn pretty picture of the Helix nebula, this snapshot is a bit of symbolism for NASA. The…

11 years ago

Why Exoplanet-Hunting Is ‘Like Seeing A Flea In A Lightbulb’

Exoplanets are really tiny compared to their host star, and it's hard to imagine sometimes how astronomers can even find…

11 years ago

Fast Radio Bursts May Originate Closer to Home Than Previously Thought

Fast radio bursts — eruptions of extreme energy that occur only once and last a thousandth of a second —…

11 years ago