
Astronomy Camp Adventures

Most teenagers go to summer camp in order to learn arts and crafts, hang out beside a lake in the…

19 years ago

Galaxy’s Invisible Arms Revealed

Astronomers have discovered that a relatively nearby galaxy is undergoing a tremendous amount of new star formation. This is very…

19 years ago

A Supernova that Won’t Fade Away

Supernovae are powerful stellar explosions that flare up brightly and then slowly fade away. But not always. One supernova, that…

19 years ago

Dusty Disk Could Hide a New Earth

Astronomers have used the massive Gemini and W.M. Keck observatories to discover a Sun-like star with one of the warmest,…

19 years ago

Biggest Star Quake Ever Seen

On December 27, 2004, a neutron star flared up so brightly, it temporarily blinded all the X-ray satellites in space…

19 years ago

Superwinds Seen in Distant Galaxies

Astronomers have discovered a massive explosion in a galaxy 11.5 billion light years away. This explosion is producing streams of…

19 years ago

Three Space Telescopes Find a Neutron Star

An international team of astronomers have discovered a hidden neutron star using three different space observatories: Integral, Swift and Rossi.…

19 years ago

Supercomputer Will Study Galaxy Evolution

A new supercomputer has been installed at the Rochester Institute of Technology to simulate the interactions between black holes and…

19 years ago

Microquasar Puzzles Astronomers

An international team of astronomers have discovered a strange source of high energy gamma rays. The object is called LS5039,…

19 years ago

New Method Pinpoints the Age of the Milky Way

University of Chicago researcher Nicolas Dauphas has developed a new method to calculate the age of the Milky Way by…

19 years ago