
Planetary Systems Can Form in Hellish Surroundings

In the brutal environment of the Orion Nebula, where temperatures soar to 10,000-degrees C (18,000-degrees F), and the stellar winds…

19 years ago

Spitzer View of a Dead Star

In 1572, astronomer Tycho Brahe witnessed the supernova that created the stellar remnant Cassiopeia A. All that remains from this…

19 years ago

The Search for Positronium

If you could look into the sky with gamma ray eyes, you'd see gamma ray bursts, and other sources of…

19 years ago

Afterlife of a Supernova

Stars - like people - are born, grow, mature, and die. But out of stellar death comes new life, as…

19 years ago

Supernova Left No Core Behind

When supernova 1987A blew up in the Large Magellanic Cloud, it was the closest supernova in over 300 years, and…

19 years ago

Recent Blast was Probably a Neutron Star Collision

When astronomers started analyzing the recent gamma ray burst GRB050509b, they knew right away that they were seeing something very…

19 years ago

A Simulation of the Whole Universe

An international team of researchers have developed a computer program that simulates the growth and expansion of the Universe after…

19 years ago

Quasar Image Revises Theories About Their Jets

Researchers using the National Science Foundation's Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope found something unusual about the jet of…

19 years ago

Measuring the Shape of Stars

The faster a star spins, the more it flattens out, changing from a sphere to something more egg-shaped. Since stars…

19 years ago

Monstrous Stars Spawn a Community of Smaller Stars

A new image taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope shows how a few monstrous stars in a stellar nebula can…

19 years ago