
Stars Form Near the Heart of the Milky Way

NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory has released detailed new photographs of the region surrounding the supermassive black hole at the centre…

19 years ago

Gamma Ray Burst Mystery Solved

An international team of astronomers think they've solved the mystery of short gamma-ray bursts. These powerful explosions shine brighter than…

19 years ago

What’s in that Dust Cloud?

Astronomers knew something was hiding inside a dark, dusty cloud, but they weren't sure exactly what it was. The Spitzer…

19 years ago

10th Planet has a Moon

The newly discovered 10th planet - which the discoverers have dubbed "Xena" - appears to have a moon of its…

19 years ago

Spiral Galaxy NGC 1350

The European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope took this incredible image of galaxy NGC 1350, which is located 85 million…

19 years ago

Did a Supernova Kill the Mammoths?

A supernova that exploded 41,000 years ago might have led to the extinction of mammoths, according to researchers at Berkeley…

19 years ago

Many Galaxies Found in the Early Universe

By looking at the most distant Universe, astronomers are hoping to learn what kinds of galaxies formed first, leading through…

19 years ago

Finding the First Stars

To have the current elements in the Universe, cosmologists believe there had to be several generations of stars, building up…

19 years ago

Binary Star Baby Picture

Newborn stars hide in a shroud of dust and gas, so they're difficult to photograph. Astronomers have used the infrared…

19 years ago

Oldest Meteorites Hint at Early Solar System

Of all the meteorites found around the world, on 45 formed before our Solar System. They provide a unique insight…

19 years ago