
This Star Just Shut Down

Astronomers have found a white dwarf star which has shut down its fusion reactor very recently - perhaps only 100…

20 years ago

Space Simulator Models the Universe

A team of physicists from the University of California have built a cluster of nearly 300 computer processors capable of…

20 years ago

New Molecules Discovered in Interstellar Space

Radio astronomers have discovered two molecules never before seen in space in an interstellar cloud near the centre of the…

20 years ago

MOST Measures the Pulse of a Star

The Canadian-built MOST space telescope has shed new light on how stars like our own Sun can actually be quite…

20 years ago

Ultra Cool Star Measured

Using a combination of ground and space-based telescopes, an international team of astronomers have measured the mass of an ultra-cool…

20 years ago

Youngest Black Hole Found?

A global team of radio astronomers think they might have found the youngest black hole or neutron star approximately 30…

20 years ago

Molecular Nitrogen Found Outside our Solar System

Astronomers have used the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite to detect molecular nitrogen in interstellar space. Nitrogen is common…

20 years ago

New Estimate for the Mass of Higgs Boson

Since its existence was first theorized in the 1960s, scientists have been searching for the mysterious Higgs boson. This subatomic…

20 years ago

New Simulation Improves Ideas of Galaxy Formation

A new simulation of galaxy formation developed at the University of Chicago does a much better job of predicting what…

20 years ago

Gas Clouds in the Whirlpool Galaxy

Astronomers studying the famous Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) have discovered important clues which support theories of how spiral arms can last…

20 years ago