
Does Whatever a Spider Can

My wife and I went to see Spider-Man on Sunday, and so I thought I'd celebrate with a Hubble image…

22 years ago

Slower Spinning Stars Puzzle Astronomers

Image credit: NASA NASA astronomers are studying a strange set of stars that spin much slower than expected. Normally, young…

22 years ago

IMAX Space Station 3D

If you've got an IMAX theatre nearby, you might want to check out their latest offering: IMAX Space Station 3D.…

22 years ago

Survey Confirms Dark Energy Theories

Image credit: Hubble Recent evidence seems to indicate that the expansion of the Universe is actually accelerating - some kind…

22 years ago

Star Formation Exposed

Image credit: Chandra A new photograph taken by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory shows a close up view of the dynamics…

22 years ago

Older Quasars a Source of Cosmic Rays

Image credit: NASA NASA astronomers believe that retired quasars may be a source of rare, high-energy cosmic rays. They've identified…

22 years ago

Planets Line Up in Spectacular Show

Image credit: Harvard During late April and May you'll get an opportunity to see the five brightest planets lined up…

22 years ago

Supernovas May Cause Gamma Ray Bursts

Gamma ray bursts are the most powerful explosions ever detected in the Universe, but astronomers have been uncertain what causes…

22 years ago

Gemini Builds Animation of Galactic Core

Image credit: Gemini The Gemini Observatory located on top of Hawaii's Mauna Kea has been used to create an animation…

22 years ago

New Evidence of the Universe’s Expansion

A team of UK and Australian astronomers have come up with independent evidence that the expansion of the universe is…

23 years ago