
Young Pulsar Defies Theories

Astronomers working with the National Science Foundation's Very Large Array have found a pulsar that is much younger than previously…

23 years ago

Oops, the Universe is Beige

Image credit: JHU Astronomers from John Hopkins University announced several weeks back that if you averaged out the colour of…

23 years ago

Bow Shock in a Merging Galactic Cluster

A new image taken by the Chandra X-Ray observatory reveals a bow-shaped shock wave towards one side of an extremely…

23 years ago

First Detection of Short Gamma Ray Burst Afterglow

Scientists believe they have spotted the first evidence of a radiation afterglow from short gamma-ray bursts. The afterglow from the…

23 years ago

Dust Disks Could Indicate Planets

A newly detected dust ring, just outside the orbit of Saturn could help astronomers have come up with a new…

23 years ago

New Evidence Supports Formation Theory for Rapidly Spinning Pulsars

Combining images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, as well as data from radio observatories, astronomers from the European Space…

23 years ago

ESO Releases New Images of Saturn and Io

The European Southern Observatory released stunning new images of the planet Saturn and Jupiter's moon Io on Friday - the…

23 years ago

New Image of the Horsehead Nebula

A new, high-resolution image has been taken of one of the most famous astronomical objects in the night sky ?…

23 years ago


Albedo Effect Beaufort Scale Causes of Ozone Depletion The Coldest Place on Earth Cumulonimbus Clouds Earth's Temperature Enhanced Greenhouse Effect…

1818 years ago