Profiling Potential Supernovae

Astronomical plate showing Sagittarius. Credit: Ashley Pagnotta


Just as psychologists and detectives try to “profile” serial killers and other criminals, astronomers are trying to determine what type of star system will explode as a supernova. While criminals can sometimes be caught or rehabilitated before they do the crime, supernovae, well, there’s no stopping them. But there’s the potential of learning a great deal in both astronomy and cosmology by theorizing about potential stellar explosions. At the American Astronomical Society meeting last week, Professor Bradley E. Schaefer of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, discussed how searching through old astronomical archives can produce unique and front-line science about supernovae – as well as providing information about dark energy — in ways that no combination of modern telescopes can provide. Additionally, Schaefer said amateur astronomers can help in the search, too.

Schaefer has been studying archived data back to 1890. “Archival data is the only way to see the long-term behavior of stars, unless you want to keep watch nightly for the next century, and this is central to many front-line astronomy questions,” he said.

Bradley E. Schaefer of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
Bradley E. Schaefer of Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge

The main question Schaefer is trying answer is what stars are progenitors for type Ia supernovae. Astronomers have been trying to track down this mystery for over 40 years.

Type Ia supernovae are remarkably bright but also remarkably uniform in their brightness, and therefore are regarded as the best astronomical “standard candles” for measurement across cosmological distances. Type Ia supernovae are also key to the search for dark energy. These blasts have been used as distance markers for measuring how fast the Universe is expanding.

However, a potential problem is that distant supernovae might be different from nearby events, thus confounding the measures. Schaefer said the only way to solve this problem is to identify the type of stars that explode as Type Ia supernovae so that corrections can be calculated. “The upcoming big-money supernova-cosmology programs require the answer to this problem for them to achieve their goal of precision cosmology,” said Schaefer.

Supernova 1994D in the outskirts of the galaxy NGC 4526.
Supernova 1994D in the outskirts of the galaxy NGC 4526.

Many types of star systems have been proposed as being the potential supernovae, such as double white dwarf binaries which were not discovered until 1988, and symbiotic stars which are very rare. But the most promising progenitor is the recurrent novae (RN) which are usually binary systems with matter flowing off a companion star onto a white dwarf. The matter accumulates onto the white dwarf’s surface until the pressure gets high enough to trigger a thermonuclear reaction (like an H-bomb). RNs can have multiple eruptions every century (as opposed to classical novae which have only one observed eruption).

To answer the question if RN are supernova progenitors, Schaefer conducted extensive research to get RN orbital periods, accretion rates, outburst dates, eruption light curves, and the average magnitudes between outbursts.

Artists impression of a recurrent nova.
Artists impression of a recurrent nova.

One big question was whether there were enough RN occurrences to supply the observed rate of supernovae. Another question was if the nova eruption itself blows off more material than is accumulated between eruptions, so the white dwarf would not be gaining mass.

In looking at the old sky photos, he was able count all the discovered eruptions and measure the frequency of RN eruptions back to 1890. He could also measure the mass ejected during an eruption by measuring eclipse times on the archived photos, and then looking at the change in the orbital period across an eruption.

In doing so, Schaefer was able to answer both questions: There was enough RN occurrences to provide sources for the observed Type Ia supernovae rate. “With 10,000 recurrent novae in our Milky Way, their numbers are high enough to account for all of the Type Ia supernovae,” he said.

He also found the mass of the white dwarf is increasing and its collapse will occur within a million years or so, and cause a Type Ia supernova.

Schaefer concluded that roughly one-third of all ‘classical novae’ are really RNe with two-or-more eruptions in the last century.

With this knowledge, astronomical theorists can now perform the calculations to make subtle corrections in using supernovae to measure the Universe’s expansion, which may help the search for dark energy.

An important result from this archival search is the prediction of a RN that will erupt at any time. An RN named U Scorpii (U Sco) is ready to “blow,” and already a large worldwide collaboration (dubbed ‘USCO2009’) has been formed to make concentrated observations (in x-ray, ultraviolet, optical, and infrared wavelengths) of the upcoming event. This is the first time that a confident prediction has identified which star will go nova and which year it will blow up in.

During this search Schaefer also discovered one new RN (V2487 Oph), six new eruptions, five orbital periods, and two mysterious sudden drops in brightness during eruptions.

Another discovery is that the nova discovery efficiency is “horrifyingly low,” Schaefer said, being typically 4%. That is, only 1-out-of-25 novae are ever spotted. Schaefer said this is an obvious opportunity for amateur astronomers to use digital cameras to monitor the sky and discover all the missing eruptions.

Photo archive at Harvard.  Credit: Ashley Pagnotta
Photo archive at Harvard. Credit: Ashley Pagnotta

Schaefer used archives from around the world, with the two primary archives being the Harvard College Observatory in Boston, Massachusetts and at the headquarters of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard has a collection of half-a-million old sky photos covering the entire sky with 1000-3000 pictures of each star going back to 1890. The AAVSO is the clearinghouse for countless measures of star brightness by many thousands of amateurs worldwide from 1911 to present.

Source: Louisiana State University, AAS meeting press conference

After the Storm: Measuring the Structure and Temperature of a Quiescent Neutron Star

Accretion can cause neutron stars to flare violently

[/caption]So how do you take the temperature of one of the most exotic objects in the Universe? A neutron star (~1.35 to 2.1 solar masses, measuring only 24 km across) is the remnant of a supernova after a large star has died. Although they are not massive enough become a black hole, neutron stars still accrete matter, pulling gas from a binary partner, often undergoing prolonged periods of flaring.

Fortunately, we can observe X-ray flares (using instrumentation such as Chandra), but it isn’t the flare itself that can reveal the temperature or structure of a neutron star.

At the AAS conference last week, details about the results from an X-ray observing campaign of MXB 1659-29, a quasi-persistent X-ray transient source (i.e. a neutron star that flares for long periods), revealed some fascinating insights to the physics of neutron stars, showing that as the crust of a neutron star cools, the crustal composition is revealed and the temperature of these exotic supernova remnants can be measured…

During a flare outburst, neutron stars generate X-rays. These X-ray sources can be measured and their evolution tracked. In the case of MXB 1659-29, Ed Cackett (Univ. of Michigan) used data from NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) to monitor the cooling of the neutron star crust after an extended period of X-ray flaring. MXB 1659-29 flared for 2.5 years until it “turned off” in September 2001. Since then, the source was periodically observed to measure the exponential decrease in X-ray emissions.

So why is this important? After a long period of X-ray flaring, the crust of a neutron star will heat up. However, it is thought that the core of the neutron star will remain comparatively cool. When the neutron star stops flaring (as the accretion of gas, feeding the flare, shuts off), the heating source for the crust is lost. During this period of “quiescence” (no flaring), the diminishing X-ray flux from the cooling neutron star crust reveals a huge wealth of information about the characteristics of the neutron star.

The cross section of a neutron star
The cross section of a neutron star
During quiescence, astronomers will observe X-rays emitted from the surface of the neutron star (as opposed to the flares), so direct measurements can be made of the neutron star. In his presentation, Cackett examined how the X-ray flux from MXB 1659-29 reduced exponentially and then levelled off at a constant flux. This means the crust cooled rapidly after the flaring, eventually reaching thermal equilibrium with the neutron star core. Therefore, by using this method, the neutron star core temperature can be inferred.

Including the data from another neutron star X-ray transient KS 1731-260, the cooling rates observed during the onset of quiescence suggests these objects have well-ordered crustal lattices with very few impurities. The rapid temperature decrease (from flare to quiescence) took approximately 1.5 years to reach thermal equilibrium with the neutron star core. Further work will now be carried out using Chandra data so more information about these rapidly spinning exotic objects can be uncovered.

Suddenly, neutron stars became a little less mysterious to me in the 10 minute talk last Tuesday, I love conferences

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The zodiacal constellation of Sagittarius resides on the ecliptic plane and was one of the original 48 constellations charted by Ptolemy to be later adopted as a modern constellation by the IAU. It spans 867 square degrees of sky and ranks 15th in constellation size. It has 7 primary stars in its main asterism and 68 Bayer Flamsteed designation stars within its confines. Sagittarius is bordered by the constellations of Aquila, Scutum, Serpens Cauda, Ophiuchus, Scorpius. Corona Australis, Telescopium, Indus, Microscopium and Capricornus. It is visible to all observers located at latitudes between +55° and ?90° and is best seen at culmination during the month of August.

The easily recogniged “tea pot” shape of Sagittarius was well known in mythology as being represented by the half-man, half-horse – the Centaur. According to some legends, he was the offspring of of Philyra and Saturn. Named Chiron, he turned himself into a horse to hide from his jealous wife and was eventually immortalized in the stars. He is often depicted as an archer as well, with his arrow pointed directly at the red heart of the Scorpion – Antares. Sagittarius may represent the son of Pan, who invented archery and was sent to entertain the Muses who threw a laurel wreath at his feet. No matter what identity you choose, one thing is for certain – there’s no mistaking the presence of the nearby Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way!

(Since the constellation of Sagittarius is simply slopping over with deep sky objects, creating a small, workable chart here would be very confusing. For this reason, I have only chosen a few of my favorite objects to highlight and I hope you enjoy them, too!)

Let’s begin our binocular tour of Sagittarius with its alpha star – the “a” symbol on our map. Located far south in the constellation, Alpha Sagittarii is far from being the brightest of its stars and goes by the traditional name of Rukbat – the “knee of the Archer”. It’s nothing special. Just a typical blue, class AB dwarf star located about 170 light years from Earth, but it often gets ignored because of its position. Have a look at Beta while you’re there, too. It’s the “B” symbol on our map. That’s right! It’s a visual double star and its name is Arkab – the “hamstring”. Now, power up in a telescope. Arkab Prior is the westernmost and it truly is a binary star accompanied by a 7th magnitude dwarf star and seperated by about 28 arcseconds. It’s located about 378 light years from Earth. Now, hop east for Arkab Posterior. It is a spectral type F2 giant star, but much closer at 137 light years in distance.

Now turn your attention towards Epsilon Sagittarii – the backwards “3” symbol on our chart. Kaus Australis is actually the brightest star in the bottom righthand corner of the teapot and the brightest of all the stars in Sagittarius and the 36th brightest in the night sky. Hanging out in space some 134 light years from our solar system, this A-class giant star is much hotter than most of its main sequence peers and spinning over 70 times faster on its axis than our Sun. This rapid movement has caused a shell to form around the star, dimming its brightness… But not nearly as dim as its 14th magnitude companion! That’s right… Epsilon is a binary star. The disparate companion is well seperated at 32 arc seconds, but will require a larger telescope to pick away from its bright companion!

Ready for more? Then have a look at Gamma – the “Y” symbol on our map. Alnasl, the “arrowhead” is two star systems that share the same name. If you have sharp eyes, you can even split this visual double star without aid! However, take a look in the telescope… Gamma-1 Sagittarii is a Cepheid 1500 light year distant variable star in disguise. It drops by almost a full stellar magnitude in just a little under 8 days! Got a big telescope? Then take a closer look, because Gamma-1 also shows evidence of being a close binary star, as well has having two more distant 13th magnitude companions, W Sagittarii B, and C separated by 33 and 48 arcseconds respectively. How about Gamma-2? It’s just a regular type-K giant star – but it’s only 96 light years from Earth!

Located just slightly more than a fingerwidth above Gamma Sagittarii and 5500 light-years away, NGC 6520 (RA 18 03 24 Dec -27 53 00) is a galactic star cluster which formed millions of years ago. Its blue stars are far younger than our own Sun, and may very well have formed from what you don’t see nearby – a dark, molecular cloud. Filled with dust, Barnard 86 literally blocks the starlight coming from our galaxy’s own halo area in the direction of the core. To get a good idea of just how much light is blocked by B 86, take a look at the star SAO 180161 on the edge. Behind this obscuration lies the densest part of our Milky Way! This one is so dark that it’s often referred to as the “Ink Spot.” While both NGC 6520 and B 86 are about the same distance away, they don’t reside in the hub of our galaxy, but in the Sagittarius Spiral Arm. Seen in binoculars as a small area of compression, and delightfully resolved in a telescope, you’ll find this cluster is on the Herschel “400” list and many others as well.

Are you ready for a whirlwind tour of the Messier Catalog objects with binoculars or a small telescope? Then let’s start at the top with the “Nike Swoosh” of M17.
Easily viewed in binoculars of any size and outstanding in every telescope, the 5000 light-year distant Omega Nebula was discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1745-46 and later (1764) cataloged by Messier as object 17 (RA 18 20 26 Dec -16 10 36). This beautiful emission nebula is the product of hot gases excited by the radiation of newly born stars. As part of a vast region of interstellar matter, many of its embedded stars don’t show up in photographs, but reveal themselves beautifully to the eye at the telescope. As you look at its unique shape, you realize many of these areas are obscured by dark dust, and this same dust is often illuminated by the stars themselves. Often known as “The Swan,” M17 will appear as a huge, glowing check mark or ghostly “2” in the sky – but power up if you use a larger telescope and look for a long, bright streak across its northern edge with extensions to both the east and north. While the illuminating stars are truly hidden, you will see many glittering points in the structure itself and at least 35 of them are true members of this region, which spans up to 40 light-years and could form up to 800 solar masses. It is awesome…

Keeping moving south and you will see a very small collection of stars known as M18, and a bit more south will bring up a huge cloud of stars called M24. This patch of Milky Way “stuff” will show a wonderful open cluster – NGC 6603 – to average telescopes and some great Barnard darks to larger ones. M24 is often referred to as the “Small Sagittarius Star Cloud”. This vast region is easily seen unaided from a dark sky site and is a stellar profusion in binoculars. Telescopes will find an enclosed galactic cluster – NGC 6603 – on its northern border. For those of you who prefer a challenge, look for Barnard Dark Nebula, B92, just above the central portion.

Now we’re going to shift to the southeast just a touch and pick up the M25 open cluster. M25 is a scattered galactic cluster that contains a cephid variable – U Sagittarii. This one is a quick change artist, going from magnitude 6.3 to 7.1 in less than seven days. Keep an eye on it over the next few weeks by comparing it to the other cluster members. Variable stars are fun! Head due west about a fist’s width to capture the next open cluster – M23. From there, we are dropping south again and M21 will be your reward. Head back for your scope and remember your area, because the M20 “Triffid Nebula” is just a shade to the southwest. Small scopes will pick up on the little glowing ball, but anything from about 4″ up can see those dark dust lanes that make this nebula so special. The “Trifid” nebula appears initially as two widely spaced stars – one of which is a low power double – each caught in its own faint lobe of nebulosity. Keen eyed observers will find that the double star – HN 40 – is actually a superb triple star system of striking colors! The 7.6 magnitude primary appears blue. Southwest is a reddish 10.7 magnitude secondary while a third companion of magnitude 8.7 is northwest of the primary.

Described as “trifid” by William Herschel in 1784, this tri-lobed pattern of faint luminosity broken by a dark nebula – Barnard 85 – is associated with the southern triple. This region is more brightly illuminated due to the presence of the star cluster and is suffused with a brighter, redder reflection nebula of hydrogen gas. The northern part of the Trifid (surrounding the solitary star) is fainter and bluer. It shines by excitation and is composed primarily of doubly ionized oxygen gas. The entire area lies roughly 5000 light-years away. What makes M20 the “Trifid” nebula, are the series of dark, dissecting dust lanes meeting at the nebula’s east and west edges, while the southernmost dust lane ends in the brightest portion of the nebula. With much larger scopes, M20 shows differences in concentration in each of the lobes along with other embedded stars. It requires a dark night, but the Trifid is worth the hunt. On excellent nights of seeing, larger scopes will show the Trifid much as it appears in black and white photographs!

You can go back to the binoculars again, because the M8 “Lagoon Nebula” is south again and very easy to see. Easily located about three finger-widths above the tip of the teapot’s spout (Al Nasl), M8 is one of Sagittarius’ premier objects. This combination of emission/reflection and dark nebula only gets better as you add an open cluster. Spanning a half a degree of sky, this study is loaded with features. One of the most prominent is a curving dark channel dividing the area nearly in half. On its leading (western) side you will note two bright stars. The southernmost of this pair (9 Sagittarii) is thought to be the illuminating source of the nebula. On the trailing (eastern) side, is brightly scattered cluster NGC 6530 containing 18 erratically changing variables known as “flare stars.” For large scopes, and those with filters, look for small patches of dark nebulae called “globules.” These are thought to be “protostar” regions – areas where new stars undergo rapid formation. Return again to 9 Sagittarii and look carefully at a concentrated portion of the nebula west-southwest. This is known as the “Hourglass” and is a source of strong radio emission.

This particular star hop is very fun. If you have children who would like to see some of these riches, point out the primary stars and show them how it looks like a dot-to-dot “tea kettle.” From the kettle’s “spout” pours the “steam” of the Milky Way. If you start there, all you will need to do is follow the “steam” trail up the sky and you can see the majority of these with ease.

At the top of the “tea kettle” is Lambda. This is our marker for two easy binocular objects. The small M28 globular cluster is quite easily found just a breath to the north/northwest. The larger, brighter and quite wonderful globular cluster M22 is also very easily found to Lambda’s northeast. Ranking third amidst the 151 known globular clusters in total light, M22 is probably the nearest of these incredible systems to our Earth, with an approximate distance of 9,600 light-years. It is also one of the nearest globulars to the galactic plane. Since it resides less than a degree from the ecliptic, it often shares the same eyepiece field with a planet. At magnitude 6, the class VII M22 will begin to show individual stars to even modest instruments and will burst into stunning resolution for larger aperture. About a degree west-northwest, mid-sized telescopes and larger binoculars will capture the smaller 8th magnitude NGC 6642 (RA 18 31 54 Dec -23 28 34). At class V, this particular globular will show more concentration toward the core region than M22. Enjoy them both!

Now we’re roaming into “binocular possible” but better with the telescope objects. The southeastern corner of the “tea kettle” is Zeta, and we’re going to hop across the bottom to the west. Starting at Zeta, slide southwest to capture globular cluster M54. Keep heading another three degrees southwest and you will see the fuzzy ball of M70. Just around two degrees more to the west is another globular that looks like M70’s twin. The small globular M55 is out there in “No Man’s Land” about a fist’s width away east/south east of Zeta .

Ready for a big telescope challenge? Then try your hand at one the sky’s most curious galaxies – NGC 6822. This study is a telescopic challenge even for skilled observers. Set your sights roughly 2 degrees northeast of easy double 54 Sagittarii, and have a look at this distant dwarf galaxy bound to our own Milky Way by invisible gravitational attraction…

Named after its discoverer (E. E. Barnard – 1884), “Barnard’s Galaxy” is a not-so-nearby member of our local galaxy group. Discovered with a 6″ refractor, this 1.7 million light-year distant galaxy is not easily found, but can be seen with very dark sky conditions and at the lowest possible power. Due to large apparent size, and overall faintness (magnitude 9), low power is essential in larger telescopes to give a better sense of the galaxy’s frontier. Observers using large scopes will see faint regions of glowing gas (HII regions) and unresolved concentrations of bright stars. To distinguish them, try a nebula filter to enhance the HII and downplay the star fields. Barnard’s Galaxy appears like a very faint open cluster overlaid with a sheen of nebulosity, but the practiced eye using the above technique will clearly see that the “shine” behind the stars is extragalactic in nature.

Now look less than a degree north-northwest to turn up pale blue-green NGC 6818 – the “Little Gem” planetary. Easily found in any size scope, this bright and condensed nebula reveals its annular nature in larger scopes but hints at it in scopes as small as 6″. Use a super wide field long-focus eyepiece to frame them both!

Be sure to get a good star chart and enjoy the constellation of Sagittarius to its fullest potential – there’s lots more out there!

Chandra Observatory
Chart Courtesy of Your Sky.

Cosmic Radio Noise Booms Six Times Louder Than Expected

The balloon-borne ARCADE instrument discovered this cosmic static (white band, top) on its July 2006 flight. The noise is six times louder than expected. Astronomers have no idea why. Credit: NASA/ARCADE/Roen Kelly


Loud sounds tend to startle us. But imagine being surprised by a sound six times louder than you expect. A balloon-borne instrument called ARCADE, (Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission) was supposed to be used to search for heat signature from the first stars to form after the Big Bang. Instead it found an unexplained “booming” radio static that fills the sky.

In July 2006, the instrument launched from NASA’s Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Palestine, Texas, and flew to an altitude of 36,000 meters (120,000 feet) where the atmosphere thins into the vacuum of space. Its mission lasted four hours.

The team, led by Alan Kogut of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said they found the radio noise almost immediately. “We were calibrating the instrument, and we saw this big point in the graph. I said, ‘What the heck is this — this shouldn’t be here.’ We spent the next year trying to make that point go away, but it didn’t.”

shows the extragalactic temperature measured by ARCADE from the 2006 flight
shows the extragalactic temperature measured by ARCADE from the 2006 flight

Detailed analysis has ruled out an origin from primordial stars, user error or a mis-identified galactic emission, and the scientists are sure there aren’t more radio sources than we expect. “Radio source counts are well known and they don’t even come close to making up the detected background,” said Kogut. “New sources, too faint to observe directly would have to vastly outnumber the number everything else in the sky.”

Dale Fixsen of the University of Maryland at College Park, added that to get the signal they detected, radio galaxies would have to be packed “into the universe like sardines,” he said. “There wouldn’t be any space left between one galaxy and the next.”

The sought-for signal from the earliest stars remains hidden behind the newly detected cosmic radio background. This noise complicates efforts to detect the very first stars, which are thought to have formed about 13 billion years ago — not long, in cosmic terms, after the Big Bang. Nevertheless, this cosmic static may provide important clues to the development of galaxies when the universe was less than half its present age. Unlocking its origins should provide new insight into the development of radio sources in the early universe.

“This is what makes science so exciting,” says Michael Seiffert, a team member at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. “You start out on a path to measure something — in this case, the heat from the very first stars — but run into something else entirely, something unexplained.”

ARCADE launches on its July 2006 discovery flight from NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Palestine, Texas. The balloon lofted the instrument to its observation altitude of 120,000 feet. Credit: NASA/ARCADE
ARCADE launches on its July 2006 discovery flight from NASA's Columbia Scientific Balloon Facility in Palestine, Texas. The balloon lofted the instrument to its observation altitude of 120,000 feet. Credit: NASA/ARCADE

ARCADE’s revolutionary design makes it super-sensitive to cosmic noise. Chilled to 2.7 degrees above absolute zero by immersion into more than 500 gallons of liquid helium, each of ARCADE’s seven radiometers alternately views the sky and a calibration target. The project allows for significant high school and undergraduate student participation. ARCADE is the first instrument to measure the radio sky with enough precision to detect this mysterious signal.

This is the same temperature as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation, the remnant heat of the Big Bang that was itself discovered as cosmic radio noise in 1965. “If ARCADE is the same temperature as the microwave background, then the instrument’s heat cannot contaminate the cosmic signal,” Kogut explains.

“We don’t really know what this signal is,” said Seiffert. “We’re relying on our colleagues to to study the data and put forth some new theories.”

Source: NASA, AAS Press Conference

WR 104 Won’t Kill Us After All


[/caption]Early last year, concern was growing for a Wolf-Rayet star named WR 104 that appeared to be aiming right at Earth (see Looking Down the Barrel of A Gamma Ray Burst). A Wolf-Rayet star is a highly unstable star coming to the end of its life, possibly culminating in a powerful, planet-killing gamma-ray burst (GRB). GRBs are collimated beams of high energy gamma-rays, projected from the poles of a collapsing Wolf-Rayet star. It was little wonder that we were concerned when a dying Wolf-Rayet star was found to be pointing right at us! Today, at the AAS in Long Beach, one scientist working at the Keck Telescope has taken a keen interest in WR 104 and shared new findings that show our Solar System may not be bathed in deadly gamma-rays after all…

Wolf-Rayet stars are evolved massive stars undergoing a suicidal and violent death. They are very hot (up to 50,000K) and losing mass very quickly, generating powerful stellar winds (at velocities of 2000 km/s). WR 104 was imaged using the Keck Telescope in Hawaii last March, and images of the pinwheel spiral star system appeared to show that we were “looking down a rifle barrel”.

So what is causing this spiral structure around WR 104? The star has a binary O-type star partner, so as WD 104 sheds its mass, the stellar winds spiral outward. As we are seeing the full spiral from Earth, it was therefore reasonable to assume the binary system was facing right toward us. As WR 104 probably has its pole pointing 90° from the ecliptic plane, any future GRB could be directed straight at us.

WR 104 is a fascinating object that got a lot of press last spring,” Dr Grant Hill said during the AAS meeting today (Jan 7th). “Since the object is in our galaxy, it could be devastating [for Earth]”

Hill therefore decided to confirm previous Keck observations with spectroscopic data to find out if there could be the possibility of an Earth-directed GRB. His work confirms the system is a binary pair, orbiting each other at an 8 month period. Hill also confirmed the presence of a shock front between the stellar winds of WD 104 and O-type partner. And there is some very good news for Earth. It would appear the original Keck imagry may not have been as straight-forward as it seemed. Spectroscopic emission lines from the binary pair strongly suggest the system is in fact inclined 30°-40° (possibly as much as 45°) away from us.

So, Earth doesn’t appear to be in the firing line of WR 104 after all…

Could Quark Stars Explain Magnetars Strong Magnetic Field?

The magnetic field surrounding the mysterious magnetar (NASA)

[/caption]Magnetars are the violent, exotic cousins of the well known neutron star. They emit excessive amounts of gamma-rays, X-rays and possess a powerful magnetic field. Neutron stars also have very strong magnetic fields (although weak when compared with magnetars), conserving the magnetic field of the parent star before it exploded as a supernova. However, the huge magnetic field strength predicted from observations of magnetars is a mystery. Where do magnetars get their strong magnetic fields? According to new research, the answer could lie in the even more mysterious quark star…

It is well known that neutron stars have very strong magnetic fields. Neutron stars, born from supernovae, preserve the angular momentum and magnetism of the parent star. Therefore, neutron stars are extremely magnetic, often rapidly spinning bodies, ejecting powerful streams of radiation from their poles (seen from Earth as a pulsar should the collimated radiation sweep through our field of view). Sometimes, neutron stars don’t behave as they should, ejecting copious amounts of X-rays and gamma-rays, exhibiting a very powerful magnetic field. These strange, violent entities are known as magnetars. As they are a fairly recent discovery, scientists are working hard to understand what magnetars are and how they acquired their strong magnetic field.

Denis Leahy, from the University of Calgary, Canada, presented a study on magnetars at a January 6th session at this week’s AAS meeting in Long Beach, revealing the hypothetical “quark star” could explain what we are seeing. Quark stars are thought to be the next stage up from neutron stars; as gravitational forces overwhelm the structure of the neutron degenerate matter, quark matter (or strange matter) is the result. However, the formation of a quark star may have an important side effect. Colour ferromagnetism in color-flavour locking quark matter (the most dense form of quark matter) could be a viable mechanism for generating immensely powerful magnetic flux as observed in magnetars. Therefore, magnetars may be the consequence of very compressed quark matter.

These results were arrived at by computer simulation, how can we observe the effect of a quark star — or the “quark star phase” of a magnetar — in a supernova remnant? According to Leahy, the transition from neutron star to quark star could occur from days to thousands of years after the supernova event, depending on the conditions of the neutron star. And what would we see when this transition occurs? There should be a secondary flash of radiation from the neutron star after the supernova due to liberation of energy as the neutron structure collapses, possibly providing astronomers with an opportunity to “see” a magnetar being “switched on”. Leahy also calculates that 1-in-10 supernovae should produce a magnetar remnant, so we have a pretty good chance at spotting the mechanism in action.




Sagitta belongs to the original 48 constellations charted by Ptolemy and it remains one of the 88 modern constellations defined by the International Astronomical Union. Located north of the ecliptic plane, it spans 80 square degrees of sky, ranking 86th in constellation size. Sagitta contains 4 main stars in its asterism and has 19 Bayer Flamsteed designated stars within its confines. It is bordered by the constellations of Vulpecula, Hercules, Aquila and Delphinus. Sagitta is visible to all observers located at latitudes between +90° and ?70° and is best seen at culmination during the month of August.

In ancient history, the constellation of Sagitta was once known as Sham – a name applied today to its Alpha star. It was the Romans who named it Sagitta, the “Arrow”. In ancient Greek myth, it depicted the weapon which Hercules used to kill the eagle Aquila – or perhaps the Stymphalian birds. Perhaps it is Cupid’s Arrow, or the one which the Centaur shot at Chiron… No matter which tale you choose, it’s unmistakeable arrow shape was clear to all cultures, including the Persians, Hebrews, Greeks and Romans. Only Johann Bayer seemed to have trouble with it… For it is one of those constellation in which he named the bright stars out of order!

Let’s begin our binocular tour of Sagitta with Alpha – the “a” symbol on our chart. While Sham isn’t the brightest star in the constellation, this yellow bright giant star’s name really does mean “arrow”. Located about about 475 light years from Earth, it has a stellar luminosity 340 times that of the Sun and is about 20 times larger. Sham falls inside the “Hertzsprung Gap,” a perimeter of stellar temperature and luminosity that few stars fit inside. From its point in stellar evolution, it should have stopped fusing hydrogen to helium and began to brighten. However, that’s not the case. For some reason, Sham’s surface shows an abundance of nitrogen – a state which could only occur from interior helium fusion. A Cepheid variable star in the making? Perhaps!

Take a look at Beta in binoculars – the “B” symbol on our map. It’s G-type yellow star like our own Sun. Beta Sagittae is a giant star and, like Sham, is only about 467 light years away from our solar system. Delta, in the center of the arrow, is a spectroscopic binary star. It consists of a class M giant star and a quiet little hydrogen fusing dwarf star. Both are happy at a distance of about 448 light years from here and both happily separated from each other by a little less than 9 AU. Don’t forget red giant star, Gamma, either! The “Y” star on our chart might be 275 light years away, but it shines 640 times brighter than our Sun! It, too, is highly evolved…. Surrounded by a shell and well on its way to becoming a Mira-type variable star and eventually a white dwarf star about the size of the Earth.

For large binoculars and small telescopes, set your sights towards Messier 71 (RA 19 : 53.8 Dec +18 : 47). At around 8th magnitude, this loosely structured globular cluster is a challenge for smaller optics, but a wonderful study. It was originally discovered by Philippe Loys de Chéseaux in 1746 and included by Charles Messier in his Messier catalog of comet-like objects in 1780. Residing about 12,000 light years away and spanning about 27 light years across, there has long been a debate about this star cluster’s proper designation… globular cluster or concentrated galactic star cluster? Thanks to modern photometry, astronomers have detected a short “horizontal branch” in the H-R diagram of M71, which is characteristic of a globular cluster. Its low metallicity content has now been recognized as that of a “youthful” globular cluster and its lack of RR Lyrae variables places it at an age of between 9 and 10 billion years old.

For two challenging large telescope studies, let’s try your hand with planetary nebulae. The first is NGC 6879 (RA 20 : 10.5 Dec +16 : 55). At an apparent magnitude of 13, this challenging study will require high magnification and careful alignment to pick out from the stellar field. However, don’t be discouraged, because the nebula itself is rather bright and conspicuous as a “hairy star”. Just as challenging is NGC 6886 (RA 20 : 12.7 Dec +19 : 59). While the central star is a magnitude brighter at 12, you’re going to need at least an 8″ telescope to detect this one. It has an unusual chemical composition which an OIII filter helps to reveal.

Chandra Observatory
Chart Courtesy of Your Sky.




Located south of the ecliptic plane, the small, faint constellation of Reticulum was first named Rhombus by astronomical clock creator – Isaac Habrecht. It was later renamed Reticulum by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1763. It spans 114 square degrees of sky, ranking 82nd in constellation size, has 4 main stars in its primary asterism and contains 11 Bayer Flamsteed designated stars within its confines. Reticulum is bordered by the constellations of Horologium, Dorado and Hydrus. It is visible to all observers located at latitudes between +23° and ?90° and is best seen at culmination during the month of January.

Since Reticulum is a “new” constellation, there is no mythology associated with it – only the story of how its name came to be. Originally named Rhombus by Isaac Habrecht, it was a name the fit the star pattern, considering a rhombus is a basic diamond pattern. Habrecht and his brother were talented Germany clock makers and one of their specialities was in fashioning astronomical clocks. As a matter of fact, they built the second astronomical clock in Strasbourg between 1571 and 1574. It was designed by mathematician Christian Herlin, and as well as the Habrecht brothers, had astronomer and musician David Wolckenstein to assist. This fantasy clock had a staircase, huge amounts of artwork, musical embellishments, but was best known for its complexity as an astronomical device. It had a calendar dial, the astrolabe, the indicators for planets and eclipses… and a celestial globe. When Lacaille made his sojourn to the Cape of Good Hope, his intent wasn’t to usurp Habrecht’s place in astronomical history – but to unify astronomical catalogs. In an attempt to honor instruments of science and his telescope for which he used to chart the southern skies, Lacaille named this trapezoidal collection of stars Reticulum, the Latin derivative for the reticule crosshairs on his spyglass which enabled him to accurately pinpoint star positions. The name Reticulum stuck and was later adopted as one of the 88 modern constellations by the International Astronomical Union.

Let’s begin our binocular tour of Reticulum with its brightest star – Alpha – the “a” symbol on our chart. Alpha Reticuli is a yellow G class giant star which is about 163 light years away from Earth. It shines about 237 times brighter than our Sun and is about 21 times larger. It will eventually end its life quietly as a white dwarf star. But, take out your telescope and have a closer look! You’ll find out that Alpha is also a binary star with a very disparate 12th magnitude companion star nearby. While the star hasn’t moved in the last 150 years, the pair does display the same proper motion.

Keep binoculars handy and hop west for Zeti Reticuli. This binary star system located about 39 light years away from our own solar system. The pair of twin suns are very much like our own in temperature and mass – yellow dwarf stars – but it’s there the similarities end. At one time, astronomers believed the Zeta pairing to be old galactic halo Population II subdwarf stars, but recent research indicates the may belong to the younger galactic disk population. This makes the twin Zetas far older than our Sun – in the neighborhood of 8 billion years old. And they aren’t moving along alone! The pair belongs to the Zeta Herculis Moving Star Group. Both stars share similar proper motions and distances – and despite being so widely spaced, they are a true binary star with an orbital period of an estimated million years!

While viewing Zeta, keep in mind all the legends behind this particular pair. In 1961, alien abductees – Barney and Betty Hill – were “taken” by citizens who imparted information to Betty that their home star was the Zeta system. After a map was constructed by an amateur astronomer and eventually debunked by Carl Sagan, then later sensationalized by Bob Lazar, the Zeta “planet” theory eventually went into hibernation for fear of media attention. On September 20, 1996 a tentative discovery of a “hot Jupiter” in the Zeta system was discovered and quickly retracted as being “pulsations” from the star… and while conditions are possible for Earth-like planets to exists around these twins suns, low solar metallicity makes their presence unlikely.

Before you give up planetary hopes, hop to Epsilon Reticuli – the backwards “3” symbol on our map. Now here’s a binary system located approximately 59 light-years away that really does have a confirmed planet! The primary star is an orange subgiant star, while the secondary star is a white dwarf star. As of 2000, an extrasolar planet has been confirmed to be orbiting the primary star in the system! It is roughly the size of Jupiter and it orbits around the star every 418 days. What’s more, there could possibly be an Earth-like trojan accompanying it!

For binoculars, keep a watch on R Reticuli – a Mira-type variable star. While it takes 278.3 days for it to go through it’s changes, they are very dramatic. You’ll find this incredible star begins by shining at respectable magnitude of 6.5 only to virtually turn telescopic at magnitude 14 during its minima. Now that’s variable!

For a small telescope and big binocular challenge, try your hand at NGC 1313 (RA 3 : 18.3 Dec -66 : 30). At magnitude 9 and more than 8 arc minutes in size, this starburst galaxy is often referred to as the “Topsy Turvy” because of its unusual supershell spiral galaxy structure. Located about 15 million light years away, large telescopes will pick out strange features, like spiral arms which are lopsided and its rotational axis is not at the center of the nuclear bar.

Now, have a go at NGC 1559 (RA 4 : 17.6 Dec -62 : 47). Although this barred spiral galaxy is over a magnitude fainter and about half the size of the last, you’ll still find it quite bright and rich in the telescope. Although it was originally thought to be a member of the Dorado Galaxy Group, this Seyfert Galaxy is all alone in space. NGC 1559 has massive spiral arms and strong star formation. It contains a small bar which is oriented nearly east-west and spans 40?. Its bar and galactic disc are the source of very strong radio emissions!

Our last galaxy is NGC 1543 (RA 4 : 12.8 Dec -57 : 44). Also about magnitude 10.5 and about 4 arc minutes in size, Dunlop 100 really is considered part of the Dorado Galaxy Group. Look for a very bright nucleus in this spiral galaxy, with a faint east to west extension!

Chart Courtesy of Your Sky.

If Brown Isn’t a Color, What Color are Brown Dwarfs?

Artist's impression of a brown dwarf. Image credit: NASA/JPL


We’ve talked about brown dwarfs here on Universe Today for years and years. These are the “failed stars”; objects with too little mass to fully ignite nuclear fusion in their cores. Instead of blazing with red, yellow or the white light of our own stars, they’re heated by the gravitational collapse of material. They’re called brown dwarfs, but you might be surprised to know that they aren’t actually brown. In fact, it’s impossible to have brown light. So what color are they?

The term “brown dwarf” was originally coined by Jill Tarter in 1975 to describe these objects, and there were other suggestions for names, like planetar and substar. But the name “brown dwarf” stuck. And here’s the problem, as described by Jill Tarter, “it was obvious that we needed a color to describe these dwarfs that was between red and black. I proposed brown and Joe (Silk) objected that brown was not a color.”

Brown isn’t a color?!

Not for astronomers. When they consider the color of a star, astronomers are talking about the wavelength of the light being emitted. Stars emit light at various wavelengths, and whatever photons are mostly being emitted are what we see. Yellow stars emit primarily yellow photons, red stars emit mostly red photons, etc. But you can’t have a star emit brown photons because the “color” brown is a de-saturated yellow. Brown dwarfs can’t be brown because it’s impossible to emit brown light. So what color are they?

Dr. Kenneth Brecher is a professor at Boston University and the primary investigator for Project LITE. This is a research project that uses a variety of experiments to understand how people see color. I highly recommend you check out the Project LITE website and take a look at the Flash experiments they have available. You’ve probably seen some of these optical illusions in the past, where spinning wheels of black-and-white can actually create different colors in our brains. Brecher demonstrated one of these color wheels for me – it’s a CD that can spin like a top. At rest, you see black-and-white, and then spin up the disk and you can see red, green and blue. Very cool stuff (totally unconnected from the color of brown dwarfs).

The color of a brown dwarf
The color of a brown dwarf

Brecher did a presentation at the American Astronomical Society Meeting about the actual color of brown dwarfs. He even had a flashlight that shines a light the color of brown dwarfs. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch a photo of it, but check out Nature’s blog, they got one. It’s sort of a dull orange color. But here’s the cool part. There’s no way to actually see the color of a brown dwarf unless you’re having the photons strike your eyeballs.

All you color theory folks might want to know the hexidecimal code: EB4B25. And here are the RGB values: R-235, G-75, B-37

So what color would an isolated brown dwarf look like? Dr. Brecher had a slide in his presentation that shows the color – we’ve extracted it and made it bigger. I think it looks kind of reddish orange, but then color is in the eye of the beholder.

“Lighthouse” Analogy No Longer Works for Pulsars

NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has found 12 previously unknown pulsars (orange). Fermi also detected gamma-ray emissions from known radio pulsars (magenta, cyan) and from known or suspected gamma-ray pulsars identified by NASA's now-defunct Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (green). Credit: NASA/Fermi/LAT Collaboration

NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has found 12 previously unknown gamma-ray only pulsars, as well as identifying gamma-ray emissions from 18 known or suspected radio pulsars. And what the telescope is finding is changing the way we think of these stellar cinders. The old analogy for pulsars was a lighthouse: gamma-rays were thought to pulse out in a narrow beam from the neutron star’s magnetic poles. But this new research shows that cannot be the case. A new class of gamma-ray-only pulsars shows that the gamma rays must form in a broader region than the lighthouse-like radio beam. “We used to think the gamma rays emerged near the neutron star’s surface from the polar cap, where the radio beams form,” says Alice Harding of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. “The new gamma-ray-only pulsars put that idea to rest.” She and Roger Romani from Stanford University in California spoke today at the American Astronomical Society meeting.

A pulsar is a rapidly spinning and highly magnetized neutron star, the crushed core left behind when a massive sun explodes. Most were found through their pulses at radio wavelengths, and were thought to be caused by narrow, lighthouse-like beams emanating from the star’s magnetic poles.

If the magnetic poles and the star’s spin axis don’t align exactly, the spinning pulsar sweeps the beams across the sky. Radio telescopes on Earth detect a signal if one of those beams happens to swing our way. Unfortunately, any census of pulsars is automatically biased because we only see those whose beams sweep past Earth.

“That has colored our understanding of neutron stars for 40 years,” Romani says. The radio beams are easy to detect, but they represent only a few parts per million of a pulsar’s total power. Its gamma rays, on the other hand, account for 10 percent or more. “For the first time, Fermi is giving us an independent look at what heavy stars do,” he adds.

Watch an animation of the new look at these pulsars.

Pulsars are phenomenal cosmic dynamos. Through processes not fully understood, a pulsar’s intense electric and magnetic fields and rapid spin accelerate particles to speeds near that of light. Gamma rays let astronomers glimpse the particle accelerator’s heart.

Astronomers now believe the pulsed gamma rays arise far above the neutron star. Particles produce gamma rays as they accelerate along arcs of open magnetic field. For the Vela pulsar, the brightest persistent gamma-ray source in the sky, the emission region is thought to lie about 300 miles from the star, which is only 20 miles across.

Existing models place the gamma-ray emission along the boundary between open and closed magnetic field lines. One version starts at high altitudes; the other implies emission from the star’s surface all the way out. “So far, Fermi observations to date cannot distinguish which of these models is correct,” Harding says.

Because rotation powers their emissions, isolated pulsars slow as they age. The 10,000-year-old CTA 1 pulsar, which the Fermi team announced in October, slows by about a second every 87,000 years.

Fermi also picked up pulsed gamma rays from seven millisecond pulsars, so called because they spin between 100 and 1,000 times a second. Far older than pulsars like Vela and CTA 1, these seemingly paradoxical objects get to break the rules by residing in binary systems containing a normal star. Stellar matter accreted from the companion can spin up the pulsar until its surface moves at an appreciable fraction of light speed.

“We know of 1,800 pulsars, but until Fermi we saw only little wisps of energy from all but a handful of them,” said Romani. “Now, for dozens of pulsars, we’re seeing the actual power of these machines.”

Source: NASA