Aliens Might Be Moving Stars to Communicate With Us


You’ve got to love the audacity of this idea. In a recent article at Discover Magazine, virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier (you know, the guy with the dreadlocks) proposes that we get working on repositioning nearby stars to form geometric patterns – or at least start looking for places that it’s already been done by aliens.

Move stars around into patterns? That’s pretty crazy stuff. Sure, but there isn’t any physical reason why it isn’t possible; it happens all the time when galaxies collide. Of course, a spray of stars hurled into intergalactic space at random is different from a great big peace sign.

In order to actually move a star requires a gravitational tractor, and engineers are already planning this kind of a mission for a threat closer to home: asteroids. By flying a spacecraft near an asteroid, and fighting against the gravity pulling it down, you can actually pull the asteroid off course. Over a long period of time, you can move the asteroid enough in its orbit to prevent it from striking the Earth.

So scale that idea up. Send out a fleet of these spacecraft to tinker with the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects. These objects could rain into the inner Solar System and prod the Sun’s motion through the galaxy. Over a long period of time (a really really long period of time), you could impart enough of a velocity change to drive your star anywhere you wanted it to go.

With this technique, and a few million years to time to kill, you could line up stars into a formation that shows an intelligence was behind it. The more stars you put into formation, the better your message will be.

One interesting suggestion, made to Lanier by Piet Hut at the Institute for Advanced Study is a multiply nested binary system. Imagine binary systems, orbiting binary systems, orbiting binary systems. With 16 stars in formation, you’d have a shape that mother nature would never arrange on her own, but would be stable for long periods of time. From long distances, astronomers wouldn’t be able to resolve the individual stars, but they’d definitely know something strange was going on.

The advantage to this, of course, is that stars are visible for tremendous distances. Why bother sending out puny radio signals when you can harness the energy of an entire star.

Physicists predict that civilizations will eventually advance to the point that they master all the energy of their home planet, their star system, and eventually their entire galaxy. And if you’re harnessing every watt of energy pouring out of every star in the galaxy, who’d miss a little extra energy being used for communications.

So, uh… let’s get on that.

Original Source: Discover Magazine

Time to Observe Saturn – Opposition Occurs February 23!


Are you ready to take a closer look at the real “Lord of the Rings”? Then say hello to Saturn as it reaches opposition tomorrow night. With the yellow planet rising around sunset, highest in the south around midnight, and setting around sunrise, now is the time for observers and photographers to enjoy Saturn the most!

Right now Saturn is positioned in Leo about 5 degrees east of the constellation’s Alpha star – Regulus. Look for the asterism of a backwards question mark rising after sunset and the brightest “star” in the group will be Saturn! For observers who use only your eyes try comparing the distances by holding your hand at arm’s length. Saturn and Regulus will be separated by about 3 fingerwidths. Look less than a fistwidth further north and you’ll see a dimmer star – Gamma Leonis. Keep an eye on this trio in the days to come and you’ll easily see Saturn’s movement against the background stars!

For observers with binoculars, it’s possible to see elongations on either side of Saturn which are the beginnings of its ring system trying to resolve. Before you complain about not getting a good enough view, remember what you’re seeing is very much like what Galileo saw when he discovered Saturn in 1610. Saturn on Saturday? Why not! Saturn was named for the Roman god of agriculture and the day Saturday is also named after him.

While you’re watching, think on this… Saturn is the second biggest planet, but it’s also the lightest planet. If there was a bathtub big enough to hold Saturn, it would float in the water! Its diameter is approximately 75,000 miles (120,000 km) and more than 9 Earths could line up across it. It’s composed of 97% hydrogen gas, about 3% helium gas and about 0.05% methane, plus ammonia. One of the reasons it appears slightly flattened is because it is! Saturn rotates in 10 hours, 39 minutes in Earth time and this fast pace is what gives it a unique shape. It takes Saturn almost 30 years to complete an orbit around the Sun!

Now on to observing with a small telescope…

What’s that you say? You can barely see Saturn’s rings? You’re right. At the moment Saturn’s rings are only tilted about 8 degrees from our line of sight. Earth’s equator is tilted 23 degrees and this tilt gives our planet its four seasons. Each year as we orbit around the Sun, our tilt causes different parts of the planet to spend more time in sunlight. Days become longer… nights become shorter! Saturn’s equator is tilted very similar to ours at 27 degrees. This gives Saturn the same seasonal changes as we here on Earth experience. Because of the tilt of Saturn and the thinness of the rings, every 14 years the rings look like they’ve disappeared when viewed through a small or medium sized telescope.

For larger telescopes, it’s easier to see Saturn has a thin multiple ring system. The rings are made of chunks of rock and ice — some just tiny pieces of dust, some more than half a mile (one km) across. Observing Saturn at opposition is important because it will give you an opportunity to witness the Seeliger Effect. Only at opposition will you notice a distinct brightening of the ring system caused by backscattering of sunlight off the icy particles. While we’re “lined up”, keep an eye out for this unusual property as well as the shadow of the rings on the planet and the shadow of the planet on the rings.

And don’t forget those moons… Titan is easy visible to even small telescopes!

Milky Way is Twice as Thick as Previously Believed


Imagine suddenly realizing that your house was twice as big as you originally thought. Okay, maybe that’s a little out there, but astronomers from Australia have calculated that the Milky Way is actually twice as thick as previously believed – doubling from the originally estimated 6,000 light-years to 12,000 light-years.

The calculation was made by a couple of astronomers from the University of Sydney. They were working with the accepted numbers for the dimensions of our home galaxy (6,000 light years thick, and 100,000 light-years wide) when they thought it might make sense to double check those basic assumptions.

They used an accepted technique for calculating distance; measuring the light from pulsars. When light from distant pulsars moves through the background material of the Milky Way (known as the Warm Ionised Medium), it slows down. The redder pulses of light actually slow down more than the bluer pulses.

By measuring the change in light from the pulsar, astronomers can determine how much material the light has traveled through.

When they used the old calculations for 40 different pulsars inside and above it, they got the old numbers. But when they just looked at 17 pulsars which are above and below the galactic disk they got a new, more accurate, estimate.

“Of the thousands of pulsars known in and around our Galaxy, only about 60 have really well known distances,” said Professor Bryan Gaensler. “But to measure the thickness of the Milky Way we need to focus only on those that are sitting above or below the main part of the Galaxy; it turns out that pulsars embedded in the main disk of the Milky Way don’t give us useful information.”

Their results were presented in January at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Austin, Texas. Some of Dr. Gaensler’s colleagues appreciated the revised calculations, while others… not so pleased at the implications for their own research.

Original Source: University of Sydney

Hubble Finds Dozens of Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies


One of the breakthroughs in modern astronomy is the use of gravitational lenses, where a closer galaxy or star focuses the light from a more distant object. The more astronomers look, the more they find these helpful objects, allowing them to peer at objects much further away. The number of known gravitationally-lensed galaxies jumped up today, when astronomers announced another 67 new lenses.

These 67 lenses were part of the COSMOS project; a detailed survey of small region of the sky about the same as 9 times the area of the Moon. Both Earth and space-based telescopes are working together to provide a survey of the sky which is very deep. And one of the key instruments in the project is the Hubble Space Telescope.

One of the big surprises of this survey is just how many lenses turned up in such a small area of the sky. Based on this discovery rate, researchers think that there could be 500,000 similar gravitationally-lenses galaxies out there.

At least 4 of the lenses are Einstein rings. This is a situation where the foreground and background galaxy are lined up so perfectly, the distorted distant galaxy forms a ring around the closer one.

In order to find the lenses, astronomers had to sift through a collection of 2 million candidate galaxies. Then the researchers had to look through each COSMOS image by eye and identify any potentially strong gravitational lenses. Finally, they checked both the foreground and background galaxy to make sure that they’re really two separate objects separated by billions of light years, and not just a strangely shaped galaxy.

Now that the researchers have so many gravitational lenses, they can do some really interesting things. For example, they’ll be able to study the dark matter distribution around the galactic lenses. And they’ll also be able to start accumulating a census of galaxy masses to see if they match predictions.

Original Source: Hubble News Release

Countdown To February 20/21 Total Lunar Eclipse…


From beginning to end, the February 20/21 lunar eclipse lasts about three hours and twenty-six minutes and we’re down to less than 72 hours to prepare. While that seems like plenty of time, photographers will want to note that Saturn will be joining the eclipse show as well!

Although the separation will vary slightly with the observer’s position on Earth, for most of us the bright, yellowish visage of Saturn will be less than 3 degrees away from the Moon’s northern limb. For those of you who enjoy photographing the night sky, this will be a tremendous opportunity to both capture an astronomy event and a conjunction at the same time! This type of event – when things interestingly align in the sky is also sometimes called an “appulse”. For all we know, we could even be experiencing a syzygy!

Regardless of what word you want to put on it, it’s definitely going to be a sight worth seeing. Let’s take a look at where the action is happening!

NASA - Eclipse Visibility World ChartFor viewer on Eastern Standard Time the eclipse will enter the partial phase on February 20 at 08:43 pm; for Central Standard Time, 07:43 pm; for Mountain Standard Time, 06:43 pm; and Pacific Standard Time at 05:43 pm – before sunset. For viewers in Europe and Africa, the action begins at the beginning of a new day – on February 21 at 01:43 am GMT. (Sorry, to the good folks down under and in the Far East… no eclipse will be visible.) Totality will begin at 10:01 pm EAST, 09:01 pm CST, 08:01 pm, MST, 07:01 pm PST, and 03:01 am GMT and end precisely 50 minutes later. Then, you have 1 hour and 18 minutes left as the Moon slowly slides out of the Earth’s shadow once again.

For a significant portion of “Universe Today” readers, the entire eclipse will be visible and it’s time to enjoy the last we’ll see for a couple of years. For those experiencing the eclipse as the Moon sets… Don’t despair. You’ll enjoy one of the darkest eclipses you’ll ever see while viewers on the west coast of the Americas will see the eclipse in progress as the Moon rises. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare your observing area or your cameras. For those with camcorders, you have a great opportunity to video the entire event! Don’t forget that cell phones take great images and even the most common camera can take a great shot of the eclipsed Moon when held to the eyepiece of a telescope. If you’re timing the event, have your notes ready, and most of all… Have a good time!

Wishing all of you clear skies!

Researchers Find a Supernova, Before it Exploded


The problem with supernovae is that you never know where they’re going to happen. Your only clue is the bright flash in the sky, and then it’s too late. But a team of European researchers think they were lucky enough to have spotted the precursor to supernova.

In an article in the February 14th issue of the journal Nature, a team of European researchers describe how they were trying to find evidence of a binary system after one of the objects detonated as a supernova. In looking back through archived images captured by NASA’s Chandra X-Ray Observatory, they were lucky enough to find one image that actually contained the system.

The supernova, known as SN 2007on exploded as a Type Ia. This is the situation where a white dwarf is in orbit around another star. It’s possible that the white dwarf feeds off material ejected from the other star until it hits a critical amount of mass – approximately 1.4 times the mass of our Sun. Or maybe it’s actually a collision between a white dwarf and another star, or between two white dwarfs.

Whatever the condition, the result is always the same. The white dwarf detonates suddenly with a very specific amount of energy and characteristic light curve. Astronomers use these explosions to measure distance in the Universe, since they’re always exploding with the same amount of energy.

To really figure out what’s going on, astronomers need more examples of these precursors. They need to be able to study a potential Type Ia supernova before it actually explodes.

So, the researchers finally have a target they can study. In the case of SN 2007on, the data gathered by the Chandra X-Ray Telescope strengthens the “mass stealing” theory. X-rays streaming from the system show the kind of fusion you would expect from a white dwarf consuming material from a neighbour.

This isn’t a slam dunk, though. A higher-quality optical image shows the binary system to be in a slightly different position from where the supernova detonated. So maybe this system isn’t the precursor after all.

But followup observations from Chandra show that the X-ray source is gone. Whatever was at that location isn’t there any more. Perhaps it did indeed vaporize in a supernova explosion.

Original Source: Chandra News Release

Cautious Welcome for UK Research Council U-Turn on Gemini Observatory Funding

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) appear to have given UK astronomers a temporary reprieve over their access to the Gemini Observatories in Chile and Hawaii. As previously reported on the Universe Today, UK astronomers were stunned at the decision to totally pull out from the international collaboration with one of the worlds most advanced telescope systems. It now appears that the STFC is reinstating the British share in the project by negotiating a reduction in funding, rather than negotiating its withdrawal from the project.

Last month, the council responsible for the UK’s funding of astronomical and physics research announced that the country would be pulling out of the highly successful Gemini Observatory project. The reason? To help plug the £80 million ($160 million) hole in their finances. After calls to the British government for financial aid fell on deaf ears, drastic measures to cut the £4 million ($8 million) per year investment to the project seemed like one of the options open to them. Reaction to the news led to speculation from some academics that UK astronomy was being “deliberately sabotaged”.

STFC funding cuts have proved highly unpopular since it inherited the debt from the two previous councils (the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council – PPARC – and Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils – CCLRC) the STFC was merged from in April 2007. Many UK scientists are bemused by the cutbacks, blaming hugely expensive projects (such as the Diamond Synchrotron in Oxfordshire) for going over budget. There is the prediction that the UK may have some of the finest research facilities in the world, but due to job cutbacks from the funding deficits, there will be nobody to carry out the research. Some scientists have even highlighted recent cutbacks by campaigning for change to the STFC and government funding of research councils.

Although the STFC has altered its position on Gemini funding, astronomers remain cautious as discussions continue over the future of British involvement. For now, the UK will be involved in cutting edge astronomy research till the summer at least. Beyond that, some cutbacks seem ominous, but at least the “hasty” decision to pull out of the project has been revoked for the time being.

Source: BBC

Star Flips its Magnetic Field


At some point in the last year or so, the Sun-like star tau Bootis completely flipped its magnetic field. The star’s north pole became its south pole, and vice versa. It this going to happen to our own Sun? Yes! Don’t panic though; in fact, it happens every 11 years or so.

Even thought the Sun’s magnetic field flip has been well observed, astronomers have never seen this happen on another star. With the Sun, the field reversals are closely linked to varying number of sunspots on its surface. The magnetic field flip happened last time in 2007, when the Sun was at the “solar minimum”.

The Earth has been recorded to change its magnetic field too, but this event has happened very erratically in the past, and theres no way to predict when it’s going to happen again in the future.

And international team of astronomers were watching the star tau Bootis with the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Mauna Kea as part of a survey measuring the magnetic field of stars. On one sweep the star had one configuration, and later on, the magnetic field was reversed.

Since this event happened within just two years of observations, it’s likely that tau Bootis flips its field even more quickly than the Sun’s own 11-year cycle. Even more interesting is the recent discovery that the star is orbited by a massive planet. It’s a hot Jupiter planet, six times the size of Jupiter, but only 1/20th the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

The planet is so close, it has become tidally locked with the star, similar to the way the Moon only shows one face to the Earth. It’s possible that the tidal interactions between the star and the planet somehow speed up the surface of tau Bootis, and encourage these magnetic flips.

The astronomers are planning to keep their telescopes firmly targeted at tau Bootis, checking the magnetic field of the star regularly. If it flips again, they’ll be ready.

The research was published this week in the British journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Original Source: Institute for Astronomy News Release

Young Stars in a Blanket of Gas and Dust


It’s time for another pretty picture. This time you’re looking at an image of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud, captured by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. It’s one of the closest star-forming regions to the Earth, located a mere 407 light-years away.

The nebula is mostly a large cloud of molecular hydrogen. This is the main material that all stars form from. Some gravitational event caused a cloud of this hydrogen to collapse down, condensing into vast regions of star formation.

According to recent X-ray and infrared studies, there are more than 300 newly forming stars in the central nursery. And their average age is only 300,000 years old; much younger than our own Sun’s billions of years.

The colours look nice, but that’s not what you’d actually see if you could travel to “Rho Oph”. Its colours were chosen by astronomers to clearly highlight the various temperatures and evolutionary stages of the various stars. The young stars are surrounded by disks of gas and dust, and show up as red in the image.

The extended white nebula in the centre right of the image is glowing bright in infrared radiation because of the dust there has been heated by bright young stars. The rest of the stars forming are concentrated into the filament of cold, dense gas that shows up as a dark cloud in the lower centre and left side of the image.

Original Source: Spitzer News Release

Hubble Finds One of the Earliest, Brightest Galaxies in the Universe


By boosting the abilities of Hubble with a gravitational lens telescope provided by nature, astronomers have been able to peer back to the earliest times in the Universe; to see a galaxy just 700 million years after the Big Bang.

The newly forming galaxy (well, it was newly forming 13 billion years ago) is called A1689-zD1, and appears to be undergoing furious levels of star formation. Just a few hundred million years before this, the Universe was in the dark ages, when the Universe’s hydrogen cooled and formed thick clouds of hydrogen. This hydrogen acted like a fog, obscuring everywhere.

Although it’s tremendously powerful, the Hubble Space Telescope wasn’t strong enough to image the galaxy. It took the additional gravity of the nearby Abel 1689 cluster to act as a natural lens and magnify the light coming from A1689-zD1. With this technique, astronomers were able to increase its brightness by a factor of 10.

The hope is that this galaxy will give astronomers valuable insights into the formative years of galaxy birth and evolution. One of these questions is: what ended the dark ages?

“This galaxy presumably is one of the many galaxies that helped end the dark ages,” said astronomer Larry Bradley of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Md., and leader of the study. “Astronomers are fairly certain that high-energy objects such as quasars did not provide enough energy to end the dark ages of the universe. But many young star- forming galaxies may have produced enough energy to end it.”

The studies show that this galaxy is probably a good example of what most galaxies looked like in the early Universe. It’s just a fraction of the mass of the Milky Way, but it has high rates of star formation. Much of this star formation is happening in very tiny regions compared to the size of the final galaxy.

Obviously, with Hubble straining at its limits to see this galaxy at all, it can’t make out individual stars, only knots of the brightest ones. But future telescopes, such as the James Webb Space Telescope, is ideally suited to take a much deeper look at it. It would also make a good target for the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, which will become the most powerful radio telescope in the world when it’s completed in 2012.

Original Source: Hubble News Release