New Simulation Improves Ideas of Galaxy Formation

Image credit: U of Chicago
Astrophysicists led by the University of Chicago?s Andrey Kravtsov have resolved an embarrassing contradiction between a favored theory of how galaxies form and what astronomers see in their telescopes.

Astrophysicists base their understanding of how galaxies form on an extension of the big bang theory called the cold dark matter theory. In this latter theory, small galaxies collide and merge, inducing bursts of star formation that create the different types of massive and bright galaxies that astronomers see in the sky today. (Dark matter takes its name from the idea that 85 percent of the total mass of the universe is made of unknown matter that is invisible to telescopes, but whose gravitational effects can be measured on luminous galaxies.)

This theory fits some key data that astrophysicists have collected in recent years. Unfortunately, when astrophysicists ran supercomputer simulations several years ago, they ended up with 10 times more dark matter satellites?clumps of dark matter orbiting a large galaxy?than they expected.

?The problem has been that the simulations don?t match the observations of galaxy properties,? said David Spergel, professor of astrophysics at Princeton University. ?What Andrey?s work represents is a very plausible solution to this problem.?

Kravtsov and his collaborators found the potential solution in new supercomputer simulations they will describe in a paper that will appear in the July 10 issue of the Astrophysical Journal. ?The solution to the problem is likely to be in the way the dwarf galaxies evolve,? Kravtsov said, referring to the small galaxies that inhabit the fringes of large galaxies.

In general, astrophysicists believe that formation of very small dwarf galaxies should be suppressed. This is because gas required for continued formation of stars can be heated and expelled by the first generation of exploding supernovae stars. In addition, ultraviolet radiation from galaxies and quasars that began to fill the universe approximately 12 billion years ago heats the intergalactic gas, shutting down the supply of fresh gas to dwarf galaxies.

In the simulations, Kravtsov, along with Oleg Gnedin of the Space Telescope Science Institute and Anatoly Klypin of New Mexico State University, found that some of the dwarf galaxies that are small today have been more massive in the past and could gravitationally collect the gas they need to form stars and become a galaxy.

?The systems that appear rather feeble and anemic today could, in their glory days, form stars for a relatively brief period,? Kravtsov said. ?After a period of rapid mass growth, they lost the bulk of their mass when they experienced strong tidal forces from their host galaxy and other galaxies surrounding them.?

This galactic ?cannibalism? persists even today, with many of the ?cannibalized? dwarf galaxies becoming satellites orbiting in the gravitational pull of larger galaxies.

?Just like the planets in the solar system surrounding the sun, our Milky Way galaxy and its nearest neighbor, the Andromeda galaxy, are surrounded by about a dozen faint ?dwarf? galaxies,? Kravtsov said. ?These objects were pulled in by the gravitational attraction of the Milky Way and Andromeda some time ago during their evolution.?

The simulations had succeeded where others had failed because Kravtsov?s team analyzed simulations that were closely spaced in time at high resolution. This allowed the team to track the evolution of individual objects in the simulations. ?This is rather difficult and is not often done in analyses of cosmological simulations. But in this case it was the key to recognize what was going on and get the result,? Kravtsov said.

The result puts the cold dark matter scenario on more solid ground. Scientists had attempted to modify the main tenets of the scenario and the properties of dark matter particles to eliminate the glaring discrepancy between theory and observation of dwarf galaxies. ?It turns out that the proposed modifications introduced more problems than they solved,? Kravtsov said.

The simulations were performed at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with grants provided by the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Original Source: University of Chicago News Release

Gas Clouds in the Whirlpool Galaxy

Image credit: NRAO
Astronomers studying gas clouds in the famous Whirlpool Galaxy have found important clues supporting a theory that seeks to explain how the spectacular spiral arms of galaxies can persist for billions of years. The astronomers applied techniques used to study similar gas clouds in our own Milky Way to those in the spiral arms of a neighbor galaxy for the first time, and their results bolster a theory first proposed in 1964.

The Whirlpool Galaxy, about 31 million light-years distant, is a beautiful spiral in the constellation Canes Venatici. Also known as M51, it is seen nearly face-on from Earth and is familiar to amateur astronomers and has been featured in countless posters, books and magazine articles.

“This galaxy made a great target for our study of spiral arms and how star formation works along them,” said Eva Schinnerer, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Socorro, NM. “It was ideal for us because it’s one of the closest face-on spirals in the sky,” she added.

Schinnerer worked with Axel Weiss of the Institute for Millimeter Radio Astronomy (IRAM) in Spain, Susanne Aalto of the Onsala Space Observatory in Sweden, and Nick Scoville of Caltech. The astronomers presented their findings to the American Astronomical Society’s meeting in Denver, Colorado.

The scientists analyzed radio emission from Carbon Monoxide (CO) molecules in giant gas clouds along M51’s spiral arms. Using telescopes at Caltech’s Owens Valley Radio Observatory and the 30-meter radio telescope of IRAM, they were able to determine the temperatures and amounts of turbulence within the clouds. Their results provide strong support for a theory that “density waves” explain how spiral arms can persist in a galaxy without winding themselves so tightly that, in effect, they disappear.

The density-wave theory, proposed by Frank Shu and C.C. Lin in 1964, says that a galaxy’s spiral pattern is a wave of higher density, or compression, that revolves around the galaxy at a speed different from that of the galaxy’s gas and stars. Schinnerer and her colleagues studied a region in one of M51’s spiral arms that presumably has just overtaken and passed through the density wave.

Their data indicate that gas on the trailing edge of the spiral arm, which has most recently passed through the density wave, is both warmer and more turbulent than gas in the forward edge of the arm, which would have passed through the density wave longer ago.

“This is what we would expect from the density-wave theory,” Schinnerer said. “The gas that passed through the density wave earlier has had time to cool and lose the turbulence caused by the passage,” she added.

“Our results show, for the first time, how the density wave operates on a cloud-cloud scale, and how it promotes and prevents star formation in spiral arms,” Aalto said.

The next step, the scientists say, is to look at other spiral galaxies to see if a similar pattern is present. That will have to wait, Schinnerer said, because the radio emission from CO molecules that provides the information on temperature and turbulence is very faint.

“When the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) comes on line, it will have the ability to extend this type of study to other galaxies. We look forward to using ALMA to test the density-wave model more thoroughly,” Schinnerer said. ALMA is a millimeter-wave observatory that will use 64, 12-meter-diameter dish antennas on the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. Now under construction, ALMA will provide astronomers with an unprecedented capability to study the Universe at millimeter wavelengths.

The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered by the French comet-hunter Charles Messier on October 13, 1773. He included it as object number 51 in his now-famous catalog of astronomical objects that, in a small telescope, might be mistaken for a comet. In 1845, the British astronomer Lord Rosse discovered the spiral structure in the galaxy. For amateur astronomers using telescopes in dark-sky locations, M51 is a showpiece object.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.

Original Source: NRAO News Release

Galaxy Stripped Clear of Star Forming Material

Image credit: NOAO
New observations from the WIYN 3.5-meter telescope on Kitt Peak show striking visual evidence for a galaxy being stripped bare of its star-forming material by its violent ongoing encounter with the hot gas in the center of a galaxy cluster.

This extremely disruptive process is believed to be a major influence on the evolution of galaxies and their star-forming ability over time, but direct observational evidence has been more circumstantial than incontrovertible.

A new three-color composite image of spiral galaxy NGC 4402, taken as the galaxy falls into the Virgo galaxy cluster, shows several key lines of evidence of an ongoing interaction, according to a presentation today in Denver at the 204th meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

NGC 4402 is located more than 50 million light years from Earth, in the midst of the relatively nearby Virgo cluster. As the galaxy moves toward the center of the cluster (located out of the image toward the bottom left), it experiences a ?wind? from the hot cluster gas, which can reach temperatures of millions of degrees.

?This hot wind strips out the much cooler gas and dust in the galaxy. This is important because the gas is raw material for new stars, and once this gas is stripped, the galaxy can no longer form new stars and becomes ?dead? in a sense,? says Hugh Crowl of Yale University, New Haven, CT, lead author of the paper. ?We see at least four distinct lines of evidence for declaring that this ram-pressure stripping process is cleaning out this infalling spiral galaxy.?

* First, the dust disk appears to be truncated, meaning that the light from stars extends out well beyond where gas and dust is observed. ?Since we believe that stars are born in clouds of gas and dust, this suggests that some of the material must have been stripped from the galaxy after the stars were born,? Crowl explains.
* Second, the dusty disk appears to be ?bowed? upward; that is, it has been bent by the wind blowing from the southeast (from the lower left of the image).
* Third, it appears that the light emitted by the north side of the stellar disk has been reddened and dimmed by dust that has been pushed up in front of it by the pressure of the cluster gas. Simultaneously, the dust to the south of the disk has been removed, revealing young blue stars glowing behind it.
* Finally, some of the most unusual features of NGC 4402 are the linear filaments of dust to the south of its main disk. ?These remarkable filaments originate in clumps that appear to be the densest remnants of the now displaced disk of the galaxy,? Crowl says.

The filaments are being ?ablated,? or stripped away, in an outside-in fashion, similar to the process observed in much smaller filamentary features in hot star-forming nebula such as the Eagle Nebula and Pelican Nebula. The hot galaxy cluster wind strips away the outer layers of the cloud, and the dust from these layers is then pushed away. In one case (the eastern or leftmost filament), ?we can see that the wind has either triggered star formation toward the tip of one of these dense clumps or exposed an already-existing star forming region,? Crowl adds.

The bright blue clusters of young stars in the bottom left region of the galaxy?s disk is further evidence of recently triggered star formation.

?This image clearly shows galactic disruption on a grand scale,? Crowl adds. ?It gives us much more confidence that this widely postulated process truly plays a significant role in shaping the evolution of galaxies in clusters.?

This imaging data was obtained with the help of the WIYN Tip-Tilt module, an adaptive optics device that uses a movable mirror to provide first-order compensation for the jittery motion of the incoming image caused by variable atmospheric conditions and telescope vibrations.

This result will be presented in poster 80.12 at the AAS meeting, located in the Ballroom poster session from 9:20 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Co-authors of the paper are Jeff Kenney (Yale), J.H. van Gorkom (Columbia University), and B. Vollmer (CDS, Strasbourg).

The Wisconsin-Indiana-Yale-NOAO (WIYN) 3.5-meter telescope is located at Kitt Peak National Observatory, 55 miles southwest of Tucson, AZ. Kitt Peak National Observatory is part of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA), Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Original Source: NOAO News Release

Chandra Finds a Gamma Ray Blast Remnant

Image credit: Chandra
Combined data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and infrared observations with the Palomar 200-inch telescope have uncovered evidence that a gamma-ray burst, one of nature’s most catastrophic explosions, occurred in our Galaxy a few thousand years ago. The supernova remnant, W49B, may also be the first remnant of a gamma-ray burst discovered in the Milky Way.

W49B is a barrel-shaped nebula located about 35,000 light years from Earth. The new data reveal bright infrared rings, like hoops around a barrel, and intense X-radiation from iron and nickel along the axis of the barrel.

“These results provide intriguing evidence that an extremely massive star exploded in two powerful, oppositely directed jets that were rich in iron,” said Jonathan Keohane of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at a press conference at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Denver. “This makes W49B a prime candidate for being the remnant of a gamma ray burst involving a black hole collapsar.”

“The nearest known gamma-ray burst to Earth is several million light years away ? most are billions of light years distant ? so the detection of the remnant of one in our galaxy would be a major breakthrough,” said William Reach, one of Keohane’s collaborators from the California Institute of Technology.

According to the collapsar theory, gamma-ray bursts are produced when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and the star’s core collapses to form a black hole surrounded by a disk of extremely hot, rapidly rotating, magnetized gas. Much of this gas is pulled into the black hole, but some is flung away in oppositely directed jets of gas traveling at near the speed of light.

An observer aligned with one these jets would see a gamma-ray burst, a blinding flash in which the concentrated power equals that of ten quadrillion Suns for a minute or so. The view perpendicular to the jets is a less astonishing, although nonetheless spectacular supernova explosion. For W49B, the jet is tilted out of the plane of the sky by about 20 degrees.

Four rings about 25 light years in diameter can be identified in the infrared image. These rings, which are due to warm gas, were presumably flung out by the rapid rotation of the massive star a few hundred thousand years before the star exploded. The rings were pushed outward by a hot wind from the star a few thousand years before it exploded.

Chandra’s image and spectral data show that the jets of multimillion-degree-Celsius gas extending along the axis of the barrel are rich in iron and nickel ions, consistent with their being ejected from the center of the star. This distinguishes the explosion from a conventional type II supernova in which most of the Fe and Ni goes into making the neutron star, and the outer part of the star is what is flung out. In contrast, in the collapsar model of gamma ray bursts iron and nickel from the center is ejected along the jet.

At the ends of the barrel, the X-ray emission flares out to make a hot cap. The X-ray cap is surrounded by a flattened cloud of hydrogen molecules detected in the infrared. These features indicate that the shock wave produced by the explosion has encountered a large, dense cloud of gas and dust.

The scenario that emerges is one in which a massive star formed from a dense cloud of dust, shone brightly for a few million years while spinning off rings of gas and pushing them away, forming a nearly empty cavity around the star. The star then underwent a collapsar-type supernova explosion that resulted in a gamma-ray burst.

The observations of W49B may help to resolve a problem that has bedeviled the collapsar model for gamma-ray bursts. On the one hand, the model is based on the collapse of a massive star, which is normally formed from a dense cloud. On the other hand, observations of the afterglow of many gamma-ray bursts indicate that the explosion occurred in a low-density gas. Based on the W49B data, the resolution proposed by Keohane and colleagues is that the star had carved out an extensive low-density cavity in which the explosion subsequently occurred.

“This star appears to have exploded inside a bubble it had created,” said Keohane. “In a sense, it dug its own grave.”

NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala., manages the Chandra program for the Office of Space Science, NASA Headquarters, Washington. Northrop Grumman of Redondo Beach, Calif., formerly TRW, Inc., was the prime development contractor for the observatory. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory controls science and flight operations from the Chandra X-ray Center in Cambridge, Mass.

Original Source: Chandra News Release

Super-Clusters of Galaxies Give Clues to the Big Bang

Image credit: ESO
Clusters of galaxies are very large building blocks of the Universe. These gigantic structures contain hundreds to thousands of galaxies and, less visible but equally interesting, an additional amount of “dark matter” whose origin still defies the astronomers, with a total mass of thousands of millions of millions times the mass of our Sun. The comparatively nearby Coma cluster, for example, contains thousands of galaxies and measures more than 20 million light-years across. Another well-known example is the Virgo cluster at a distance of about 50 million light-years, and still stretching over an angle of more than 10 degrees in the sky!

Clusters of galaxies form in the densest regions of the Universe. As such, they perfectly trace the backbone of the large-scale structures in the Universe, in the same way that lighthouses trace a coastline. Studies of clusters of galaxies therefore tell us about the structure of the enormous space in which we live.

The REFLEX survey
Following this idea, a European team of astronomers, under the leadership of Hans B?hringer (MPE, Garching, Germany), Luigi Guzzo (INAF, Milano, Italy), Chris A. Collins (JMU, Liverpool), and Peter Schuecker (MPE, Garching) has embarked on a decade-long study of these gargantuan structures, trying to locate the most massive of clusters of galaxies.

Since about one-fifth of the optically invisible mass of a cluster is in the form of a diffuse very hot gas with a temperature of the order of several tens of millions of degrees, clusters of galaxies produce powerful X-ray emission. They are therefore best discovered by means of X-ray satellites.

For this fundamental study, the astronomers thus started by selecting candidate objects using data from the X-ray Sky Atlas compiled by the German ROSAT satellite survey mission. This was the beginning only – then followed a lot of tedious work: making the final identification of these objects in visible light and measuring the distance (i.e., redshift) of the cluster candidates.

The determination of the redshift was done by means of observations with several telescopes at the ESO La Silla Observatory in Chile, from 1992 to 1999. The brighter objects were observed with the ESO 1.5-m and the ESO/MPG 2.2-m telescopes, while for the more distant and fainter objects, the ESO 3.6-m telescope was used.

Carried out at these telescopes, the 12 year-long programme is known to astronomers as the REFLEX (ROSAT-ESO Flux Limited X-ray) Cluster Survey. It has now been concluded with the publication of a unique catalogue with the characteristics of the 447 brightest X-ray clusters of galaxies in the southern sky. Among these, more than half the clusters were discovered during this survey.

Constraining the dark matter content
Galaxy clusters are far from being evenly distributed in the Universe. Instead, they tend to conglomerate into even larger structures, “super-clusters”. Thus, from stars which gather in galaxies, galaxies which congregate in clusters and clusters tying together in super-clusters, the Universe shows structuring on all scales, from the smallest to the largest ones. This is a relict of the very early (formation) epoch of the Universe, the so-called “inflationary” period. At that time, only a minuscule fraction of one second after the Big Bang, the tiny density fluctuations were amplified and over the eons, they gave birth to the much larger structures.

Because of the link between the first fluctuations and the giant structures now observed, the unique REFLEX catalogue – the largest of its kind – allows astronomers to put considerable constraints on the content of the Universe, and in particular on the amount of dark matter that is believed to pervade it. Rather interestingly, these constraints are totally independent from all other methods so far used to assert the existence of dark matter, such as the study of very distant supernovae (see e.g. ESO PR 21/98) or the analysis of the Cosmic Microwave background (e.g. the WMAP satellite). In fact, the new REFLEX study is very complementary to the above-mentioned methods.

The REFLEX team concludes that the mean density of the Universe is in the range 0.27 to 0.43 times the “critical density”, providing the strongest constraint on this value up to now. When combined with the latest supernovae study, the REFLEX result implies that, whatever the nature of the dark energy is, it closely mimics a Universe with Einstein’s cosmological constant.

A giant puzzle
The REFLEX catalogue will also serve many other useful purposes. With it, astronomers will be able to better understand the detailed processes that contribute to the heating of the gas in these clusters. It will also be possible to study the effect of the environment of the cluster on each individual galaxy. Moreover, the catalogue is a good starting point to look for giant gravitational lenses, in which a cluster acts as a giant magnifying lens, effectively allowing observations of the faintest and remotest objects that would otherwise escape detection with present-day telescopes.

But, as Hans B?hringer says: “Perhaps the most important advantage of this catalogue is that the properties of each single cluster can be compared to the entire sample. This is the main goal of surveys: assembling the pieces of a gigantic puzzle to build the grander view, where every single piece then gains a new, more comprehensive meaning.”

Original Source: ESO News Release

Spitzer Shows the Pinwheel Nebula

Image credit: NASA/JPL
Like nosy neighbors, astronomers are spying on one of the nearest galaxies to our Milky Way. In studying the Pinwheel Galaxy, also known as Messier 33 (M33), they seek not malicious gossip but new knowledge as they search for clues to how galaxies like our own are born, live, and die. Today at the 204th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Denver, Colorado, astronomers from the University of Minnesota, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA), and the University of Arizona unveiled new infrared images of M33 taken by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope. The photos reveal features of the galaxy never before visible.

About 50,000 light-years across, the spiral galaxy M33 is half the diameter of the Milky Way. It lies 3 million light-years from the Milky Way, which places it among the Local Group of galaxies. Its nearness and viewing angle give astronomers an excellent opportunity to study M33’s physical and chemical processes.

“With the Andromeda Galaxy, it’s one of the two nearest large spiral galaxies comparable to the Milky Way. Since it’s so close, we can get a nice panoramic view. It’s a great object for detailed study,” said Smithsonian astronomer Steven Willner (CfA).

“M33 is a gigantic laboratory where you can watch dust being created in novae and supernovae, being distributed in the winds of giant stars, and being reborn in new stars,” said University of Minnesota researcher and lead author Elisha Polomski. By studying M33, “you can see the Universe in a nutshell.”

Because it operates at infrared wavelengths, the Spitzer Space Telescope detects details hidden to the human eye and to telescopes that operate in visible light. Spitzer collects light at wavelengths measured in microns-millionths of a meter. The new pictures were taken in light at wavelengths ranging from 3.5 to 24 microns.

“At 3.5 microns, we see stars,” said University of Minnesota astronomy professor Robert Gehrz, a member of the M33 observation team. “At eight microns, we see warm dust that’s about 130 degrees Fahrenheit. At 24 microns, we’re picking up cool dust that’s between minus 100 and minus 190 degrees Fahrenheit.” Spitzer’s cameras also operate at 70 and 160 microns.

Observations of M33’s cool components are expected to reveal much about the “metabolism” of galaxies. A galaxy is akin to a living body, in which food substances are broken down to build the body, and the waste and decomposition products of a body are recycled to feed new life. For example, the iron in Earth’s core was forged in the bellies of large, luminous stars, and the heavier elements-all the way to uranium, the heaviest naturally occurring element-were created in supernova explosions. The deaths of those stars sprayed interstellar space with dust and gas, some of which clumped together in a disk that coalesced to form the sun and its planets.

The Spitzer team will examine the Pinwheel Galaxy in detail for the next two and a half years, studying the processes that circulate energy and chemical elements through the galaxy to build up, destroy, and recycle the building blocks of stars and planets. The researchers expect to identify new star-forming regions, red giant stars, novae and supernovae, thereby mapping out the evolutionary process of stars in M33 and comparing it to the process in our own Galaxy.

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) manages the Spitzer Space Telescope mission for NASA’s Office of Space Science, Washington. Science operations are conducted at the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. JPL is a division of Caltech.

Note: This release is being issued jointly with the University of Minnesota and the University of Arizona.

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

Original Source: Harvard CfA News Release

Catching Stars in the Act of Forming Planets

Image credit: Harvard CfA
How old is too old? Pro football players tend to peak in their late 20s, and few continue their careers beyond the age of 35. For young stars, the peak age for planet formation is around 1 to 3 million years. By 10 million years old, their resources are exhausted and they retire to a life on the stellar “main sequence.”

Using telescopes on the ground and in space, a team of astronomers led by Lee W. Hartmann and Aurora Sicilia-Aguilar (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics) is studying Sun-like stars in their waning formative years, within clusters older than previously explored. They seek to refine our understanding of planet formation by studying dusty protoplanetary disks around such stars. Their results, presented today at the 204th meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Denver, Colorado, better define the time span during which planets might form.

“While the planets that may be forming cannot be detected directly,” said Sicilia-Aguilar, “we can see changes in the circumstellar dusty accretion disks caused as the planets sweep up and accumulate mass.”

“The data also has shown dramatic differences between stars of 3 and 10 million years of age: the younger stars frequently have dusty disks capable of forming planets, while such disks are essentially absent in the older population,” she continued.

The team used data from the Smithsonian Institution’s Whipple Observatory telescopes, the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory, and from the Spitzer Space Telescope (the latter made available as part of the Guaranteed Time Program of Infrared Array Camera PI Giovanni Fazio), to make these findings.

“We are trying to understand the evolution of protoplanetary disks around stars not too different from the Sun,” said team leader Lee W. Hartmann. “Many stars about 1 million years old have disks, but by 10 million years, almost none have disks. We are trying to find stars at an in-between age and `catch them in the act’ of forming planets.”

Circumstellar dust disks enshroud young stars, and astronomers understand this to be a common feature of stellar evolution and of possible planetary system formation. The initial protoplanetary disks contain the gas and dust that provide the raw materials for the formation of later planetary systems.

“After stars form planets in their disks and clear out most of the material-either by accretion onto the star, accretion onto planets, or ejection-small amounts of dust can remain in so-called ‘debris disks.’ Most or all of this debris dust is thought to be continuously generated by the collision of small bodies, much like the zodiacal light in our solar system,” said Hartmann.

The team is presenting the first identification of low mass stars in the young clusters Trumpler 37 and NGC 7160. (These clusters are loose associations of stars that have formed together in the comparatively recent past.) “The cluster members confirm the age estimates of 1 to 5 million years for Tr37 and 10 million years for NGC 7160,” said Sicilia-Aguilar.

“We do find active accretion in some of the stars in Tr37. The average accretion rate is equivalent to swallowing up 10 Jupiter masses in a million years,” said Sicilia-Aguilar. “This is consistent with models of viscous disk evolution.”

“In comparison, we have detected no signs of active accretion so far in the older cluster NGC 7160, suggesting that disk accretion ends within 10 million years. This probably coincides with the major phase of giant planet formation.”

Trumpler 37 is of more immediate interest, said Hartmann, because we hope to find stars with Jupiter-size planets that are still accumulating material from the disks, so the disks are not completely cleared out yet. However, there may be a few objects in the 10 million-year-old cluster NGC 7160 that are also still forming their giant planets. Not all disks evolve at the same rate.

“Thus we expect eventually to find out more about the frequency of debris disks, and the rate at which the dust in such disks is removed, by studying the 10-million-year-old cluster NGC 7160 and comparing it to Trumpler 37,” said Hartmann.

In addition to Sicilia-Aguilar and Hartmann, team members include Cesar Briceno (Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomia), James Muzerolle (University of Arizona), and Nuria Calvet (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory). This work was supported by NASA grant NAG5-9670.

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

Original Source: Harvard CfA News Release

Star Production is Still High in our Galaxy

Image credit: Spitzer Space Telescope
Some of the first data from a new orbiting infrared telescope are revealing that the Milky Way – and by analogy galaxies in general – is making new stars at a much more prolific pace than astronomers imagined.

The findings from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope were announced today (May 27) at a NASA headquarters press briefing by Edward Churchwell, a University of Wisconsin-Madison astronomer and the leader of a team conducting the most detailed survey to date of our galaxy in infrared light.

Focusing the telescope on a compact cluster of stars at the heart of a distant nebula known as RCW49, Churchwell and his colleagues discovered more than 300 newly forming stars. Each of the stars, known to astronomers as protostars, has a swirling disk of circumstellar dust and creates ideal conditions for the formation of new solar systems.

“In this one small area, we have a stellar nursery like no one has ever seen before,” says Churchwell, an expert on star formation. “The sheer number of objects is astounding, and may force us to rewrite our ideas of star formation and how much of it is going on in the Milky Way.

“I am dead sure there are many regions like this throughout the galaxy. It is not unique.”

For years, astronomers have probed objects like the nebula RCW49, a thick, obscuring cocoon of dust and gas, with radio telescopes. Listening in, they have learned that these hidden pockets of space are the places where most of the new stars that populate a galaxy are born.

With the Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers can now look deep inside these regions to directly observe star formation: “We can peel away the dust layers to see what is going on and we’re seeing things in incredible detail. This telescope is almost perfectly tuned to study star formation and it will provide us with a huge database of protostars. And this is what makes galaxies tick, these areas of massive star formation,” Churchwell says.

Indeed, his team has been able to catalog not only a large number of protostars from this one small region of space, but also the spectrum of newborn stars’ various stages of early development.

“We’re finding stars at different points in their evolutionary history,” Churchwell explains. “We hope to be able to fill out the entire early evolutionary sequence of a star’s development.”

Of special interest to astronomers is the potential for protostars to form planetary systems. The stars are formed from large disks of cool dust and gas, known as accretion disks. The nascent stars grow as material spirals inward from the disk to the star.

The same disks, astronomers think, provide the raw material for planets. “Protostars, we believe, develop planetary systems from these accretion disks,” Churchwell notes.

The Spitzer Space Telescope is the last of NASA’s Great Observatory Program. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., manages the telescope project.

The Great Observatory program, which also includes the Hubble Space Telescope, the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory and the Chandra X-ray Observatory, is designed to sample the cosmos across a wide portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Spitzer Space Telescope was launched into an Earth-trailing heliocentric orbit in August of 2003.

Churchwell’s team, which uses the Infrared Array Camera, one of three scientific instruments aboard the telescope, is charged with creating an infrared mosaic of a swath of the inner Milky Way composed of 300,000 image frames of 1.2 second exposures each.

“We’re making a complete survey of the inner two-thirds of our galaxy,” Churchwell explains. “We can’t survey the very center of the galaxy because it is too bright and would swamp our detectors.”

When completed, the survey will provide a wealth of data from regions of space previously obscured by foreground clouds of dust and gas. There will be many more surprises, Churchwell says.

The data are being analyzed by a team of about 20 scientists in Madison and around the country who make up the GLIMPSE or Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plain Survey Extraordinaire. The final data products will be archived and released to the astronomy community by the Spitzer Space Science Center in Pasadena, Calif.

Churchwell says the orbiting observatory is performing superbly. “From the perspective of the Infrared Array Camera, it’s almost picture perfect. The images are beautiful. It’s a real success story for NASA,” he says.

Original Source: UW-Madison News Release

Quasars Come From Stable Homes

Image credit: PPARC
Quasars, the most brilliant of cosmic fireworks, appear to shine forth from humdrum galaxies in the early universe, not the giant or disrupted ones astronomers expected. This is according to a team of Australian, Canadian and UK astronomers who studied an assortment of quasars near the edge of the observable universe using the Frederick C. Gillett Gemini North Telescope on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea. Their findings were presented today (May 25th) at the first Gemini Science Conference by Dr David Schade of the National Research Council, Canada.

The quasars’ pedestrian surroundings came as a shock. “It’s like finding a Formula One racing car in a suburban garage,” said Dr Scott Croom of the Anglo-Australian Observatory in Australia who led the study. Put another way, “On our previous idea that brighter Quasars should inhabit brighter host galaxies, these observations were a bit of an insult to the superb

Gemini North telescope! These observations should really have been like using a magnifying glass to find an elephant. Instead, these host galaxies turned out to be more like little mice, despite their brilliant roar!” said team-member Professor Tom Shanks from the University of Durham (UK).

It is thought that quasars are located in the central cores of galaxies where matter falling onto a supermassive black hole is turned into a blinding torrent of radiation. Quasars flourished when the universe was between a tenth and a third of its present age.

“This finding is particularly exciting because it means that we may need to re-think our models of how quasars work. This isn’t the first time quasars have done this to us, it seems that quasars like to keep us guessing!” said Dr. Schade.

The research team attempted to obtain some of the first-ever detailed infrared views of the host galaxies-nine in all-each about 10 billion light-years away. “We’d hoped their sizes and shapes might give clues as to what triggered quasar activity,” said Dr Croom. Instead, the team found that all but one of the galaxies were too faint or small to detect, even though the data’s sensitivity and resolution were exceptionally high. The one convincing detection was remarkably unremarkable, similar in brightness and size to our own Galaxy.

Many astronomers had anticipated that a quasar’s host galaxy would be large, and might show signs of having collided with another galaxy-violence that could spark a quasar into brilliance. The team’s finding will undoubtedly add fuel to the debate regarding how galaxies and black holes form and grow.

Astronomers have used other telescopes, on the ground and in space to look for very distant quasar host galaxies but the results have been inconclusive. “For this study, the Gemini telescope was able to produce an image sharpness that is usually only possible by using the Hubble Space Telescope,” said Professor Shanks. “But Gemini’s larger mirror can collect ten times more light to study faint objects.” The image detail was achieved with a technology called adaptive optics to remove distortions to starlight caused by atmospheric turbulence.

This combination provided a powerful capability that produced some of the deepest (faintest) and sharpest infrared images ever obtained of objects in the early universe.

One of the difficulties inherent in this study was to find quasars that were close to the relatively bright guide stars necessary to use adaptive optics technology. To find the necessary sample size, the team drew on a database of more than 20,000 quasars gathered with the Anglo-Australian Telescope between 1997 and 2002. This work represents the largest quasar survey ever attempted and, “the only one in which we could hope to find a decent sample of quasars to meet our requirements,” said Dr. Croom.

Original Source: PPARC News Release

Heaviest Stars are Twins

Image credit: Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
About 20,000 light-years from Earth, two massive stars grapple with each other like sumo wrestlers locked in combat. Both giants, each weighing in at around 80 times the mass of our Sun, are the heaviest stars ever. They orbit each other every 3.7 days, nearly touching as they spin on the celestial stage. And they lead tempestuous lives worthy of any Hollywood couple, blasting each other with hot, violent stellar winds.

“We could not resist exploring this system because it’s so remarkable. It’s a place of true extremes,” said astronomer Alceste Bonanos (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics).

The binary star system Bonanos studied, known as WR 20a, was pegged as particularly interesting only weeks ago by a team of European researchers headed by Gregor Rauw. That team’s spectroscopic observations showed that both stars were very massive. However, the only way to determine the masses precisely was to establish at what angle we were viewing the system, as well as the orbital period.

Bonanos and her advisor, Krzysztof Stanek (CfA), requested photometric observations from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) team led by Andrzej Udalski (Warsaw University Observatory). Bonanos and Stanek knew that if the system were nearly edge-on, one star would periodically pass in front of, or eclipse, the other. Fortuitously, those eclipses were detected by the OGLE group, thereby firmly establishing the characteristics of the system.

“When we realized how important it would be to obtain an accurate light curve for WR 20a, we immediately decided to contact Andrzej Udalski, who leads the Polish project known as OGLE. They are a premier facility for optical surveys, and we were very happy when they agreed to collaborate on this project,” said Stanek.

Observations were collected in May 2004 with the 1.3-meter-diameter OGLE telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile.

“The results have exceeded our expectations; after just two nights, we realized that the star significantly changed its brightness, and after a few more we were certain that the system is eclipsing,” said Udalski.

“After obtaining data each night for more than two weeks, we were able to measure very accurately the period, inclination angle, and hence the masses of the two stars,” added Stanek.

A System Of Extremes
WR 20a is part of the Westerlund 2 star cluster, which resides in a region of ionized hydrogen left over from the cluster’s formation in the constellation Carina. WR 20a contains two hot, young Wolf-Rayet stars-a type of star that is extremely rare and short-lived.

“Wolf-Rayet stars are likely progenitors of the extremely powerful explosions known as gamma-ray bursts,” said Bonanos. “These stars are already 2 or 3 million years old. In another few million years, whichever one is slightly more massive will undergo core collapse and blast off its outer layers. The companion star likely will survive despite its nearness, at least until it goes supernova sometime later.”

While other stars, such as the Pistol Star and eta Carinae, are suspected of containing enough material to make more than 100 Suns, their masses have not been determined accurately. The possibility exists that they are simply very close binaries. WR 20a is the most massive known binary system where both stars have precisely determined masses.

“It is important to study and understand these massive stars because they probe the realm of the first stars that formed in the Universe. Learning more about this system will help improve star formation models, as well as increase our understanding of the connection of these stars to supernovae and gamma-ray bursts,” said Stanek.

This research has been posted online at in a paper co-authored by Alceste Bonanos and Krzysztof Stanek (CfA); with Andrzej Udalski, Lukasz Wyrzykowski, Karol Zebrun, Marcin Kubiak, Michal Szymanski, Olaf Szewczyk, Grzegorz Pietrzynski, and Igor Soszynski (Warsaw University Observatory).

Headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics is a joint collaboration between the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory. CfA scientists, organized into six research divisions, study the origin, evolution and ultimate fate of the universe.

Original Source: Harvard CfA News Release