
Metropolitan Milky Way

In this guest post from, Janik Alheit explains how he was able to photograph the Milky Way above the…

9 years ago

Astrophotography Book Review: Treasures of the Universe

Check out André van der Hoeven's book "Treasures of the Universe - Amateur and Professional Visions of the Cosmos". Within…

9 years ago

Milky Way with Nearby Constellations by Matt Dieterich

Astrophotographer Matt Dieterich thoughtfully identified all the constellations in this amazing mosaic image of the Milky Way captured from Glacier…

9 years ago

This Road Leads to the Heart of the Milky Way

Stay on this road long enough and you'll reach the heart of the Milky Way, just 26,000 light-years to go.

9 years ago

Solar Analemma 2015: A Year-Long Picture

If you took a picture of the Sun every day, always at the same hour and from the same location,…

9 years ago

Watch Fast and Furious All-sky Aurora Filmed in Real Time

If seeing the Northern or Southern Lights hasn't been crossed off your bucket list yet, this video is the next…

9 years ago

Pre-Order “Treasures of the Universe” Astrophotography Book Through Kickstarter

We've featured the photography of André van der Hoeven here many times, and all of his photos are wonderful. Well,…

9 years ago

Comet Catalina Grows Two Tails, Soars at Dawn

Amateur astronomer Chris Schur of Arizona had only five minutes to observe and photograph Comet Catalina this morning before twilight…

9 years ago

‘Explody’ Taurid Meteors Produce Persistent Trains

“The landscape was just at the verge of trying to silently explode with vibrant colors of red, gold and oranges,”…

9 years ago

Stunning Planetary Trio Pictures from Around the World

Have you seen the views in the morning skies this week, with three planets huddling together at dawn? Just one…

9 years ago