Black Holes

Shortly Before They Collided, two Black Holes Tangled Spacetime up Into Knots

An international team led from Cardiff University has confirmed that black hole binaries experience precession.

2 years ago

A Black Hole Burps out Material, Years After Feasting on a Star

When observing a black hole that devoured a star three years earlier, an international team of astronomers noticed it "burping"…

2 years ago

The Milky Way is Surrounded by a Vast Graveyard of Dead Stars

Astronomers have mapped the location of the Milky Way's black holes and neutron stars.

2 years ago

There’s a Blob of Gas Orbiting Around the Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

Sagittarius A* (Sag A) is usually a pretty quiet object, as supermassive black holes go. It's not wildly active, like…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find a Sun-like Star Orbiting a Nearby Black Hole

Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of astronomers has detected a Sun-like star that co-orbits with a dormant…

2 years ago

Colliding Black Holes Provide Another way to Measure Distance in the Universe

Astronomers can use the gravitational waves of merging black holes to measure cosmic expansion.

2 years ago

Astronomers Have Revealed a Black Hole's Photon Ring for the First Time

Using data from the Event Horizon Telescope, a team of astronomers have calculated the photon ring of M87*.

2 years ago

Primordial Black Holes Could Have Triggered the Formation of Supermassive Black Holes

Computer simulations show the role primordial black holes may have played in the early universe, but the process isn't clear…

2 years ago

A Dormant Black Hole has Been Discovered Just Outside the Milky Way

What happens when a massive star dies? Conventional wisdom (and observational evidence) say that it can collapse to form a…

2 years ago

We Finally Know Where the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays are Coming From: Blazars

Way out there in space is a class of objects called blazars. Think of them as extreme particle accelerators, able…

2 years ago