An international team led from Cardiff University has confirmed that black hole binaries experience precession.
When observing a black hole that devoured a star three years earlier, an international team of astronomers noticed it "burping"…
Astronomers have mapped the location of the Milky Way's black holes and neutron stars.
Sagittarius A* (Sag A) is usually a pretty quiet object, as supermassive black holes go. It's not wildly active, like…
Using data from the Gaia Observatory, a team of astronomers has detected a Sun-like star that co-orbits with a dormant…
Astronomers can use the gravitational waves of merging black holes to measure cosmic expansion.
Using data from the Event Horizon Telescope, a team of astronomers have calculated the photon ring of M87*.
Computer simulations show the role primordial black holes may have played in the early universe, but the process isn't clear…
What happens when a massive star dies? Conventional wisdom (and observational evidence) say that it can collapse to form a…
Way out there in space is a class of objects called blazars. Think of them as extreme particle accelerators, able…