Black Holes

Three Supermassive Black Holes Tango in a Distant Galaxy, Marking a Huge Discovery

In a galaxy four billion light-years away, three supermassive black holes are locked in a whirling embrace. It’s the tightest…

11 years ago

Observing Alert: Distant Blazar 3C 454.3 in Outburst, Visible in Amateur Telescopes

Have an 8-inch or larger telescope? Don't mind staying up late? Excellent. Here's a chance to stare deeper into the…

11 years ago

Supermassive Black Hole Shows Strange Gas Movements

Sometimes it takes a second look -- or even more -- at an astronomical object to understand what's going on.…

11 years ago

Move Over, Gravity: Black Hole Magnetic Fields May Have Powerful Pull

It's oft-repeated that black holes are powerful gravity wells, because they represent a dense concentration of matter in one location.…

11 years ago

Amazing New X-Ray Image of the Whirlpool Galaxy Shows it is Dotted with Black Holes

In any galaxy there are hundreds of X-ray binaries: systems consisting of a black hole capturing and heating material from…

11 years ago

Gas Cloud or Star? Mystery Object Heading Towards Our Galaxy’s Supermassive Black Hole is Doomed

Observatories around the world and in space have been honed-in on the center of our galaxy, looking for possible fireworks…

11 years ago

Pushy Black Holes Stop Elliptical Galaxies From Forming Stars

Contradicting past theories, cold gas has been found in abundance in some elliptical galaxies -- showing that there must be…

11 years ago

Dense Gas Clouds Blot The View Of Supermassive Black Holes

Gas around supermassive black holes tends to clump into immense clouds, periodically blocking the view of these huge X-ray sources…

11 years ago

Planck “Star” to Arise From Black Holes?

A new paper has been posted on the arxiv (a repository of research preprints) introducing the idea of a Planck star…

11 years ago

Black Holes Warmed Up Space Slower Than Previously Thought: Study

Black holes are big influencers for the early universe; these singularities that were close to ancient stars heated up gas…

11 years ago