Black Holes

First Triple Quasar Discovered

Quasars are some of the brightest objects in the Universe, beaming radiation across billions of light-years of space. Although they…

18 years ago

Even Dwarf Galaxies Have Supermassive Black Holes

To form a supermassive black hole, you'd think it takes a really large galaxy, like the Milky Way or Andromeda.…

18 years ago

Podcast: Black Holes Big and Small

We're finally ready to deal with the topic you've all been waiting for: Schwarzschild swirlers, Chandrasekhar crushers, ol' matter manglers,…

18 years ago

Black Hole Found in a Globular Star Cluster

Stellar mass black holes have been discovered, and astronomers now believe that supermassive black holes exist at the centres of…

18 years ago

Here’s a New Way to Explode: Hybrid Gamma-Ray Burst

Just when you thought you'd figured out all the ways to blow up, nature reveals a new way. This latest…

18 years ago

Large and Small, Black Holes Feed the Same Way

Whether you're dealing with a stellar mass black hole, or a supermassive black hole at the heart of a galaxy,…

18 years ago

Black Hole Erupts on Camera

ESA's Integral space observatory has spotted a blast of gamma rays from a suspected black hole in the Milky Way.…

18 years ago

Black Hole Spins Nearly 1000 Times a Second

Black holes bend our understanding of the Universe and laws of physics. But astronomers have discovered a black hole spinning…

18 years ago

Super-Supermassive Black Hole

The Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, and the National Radio Astronomical Observatory teamed up to produce this composite…

18 years ago

Gamma Rays Pour From the Edge of a Supermassive Black Hole

Astronomers have discovered gamma rays streaming from the vicinity of the supermassive black hole at the heart of galaxy M87.…

18 years ago