Black Holes

Fine Tuning the Search for Black Holes

Although black holes can't be seen directly, they're relatively easy to find. Matter spiraling into a black hole becomes superheated,…

18 years ago

Supermassive Black Holes Prevent Star Formation

The supermassive black holes thought to be lurking at the heart of most galaxies could create such a hostile environment…

18 years ago

The Search for Hidden Black Holes

Look into the sky with X-ray instruments, and you'll see a background radiation in all directions. Astronomers think these X-rays…

18 years ago

A New View of Quasars

Some of the brightest objects in the Universe are quasars. A mystery for decades, most astronomers now believe quasars are…

18 years ago

Magnetic Fields Help Black Holes Pull In Matter

Even though the gravity from black holes is so strong that light can't even escape, we can see the radiation…

18 years ago

Everything’s on the Menu for Supermassive Black Holes

The supermassive black holes that lurk at the heart of most galaxies have enormous appetites. They've already consumed millions of…

18 years ago

Podcast: Dark Energy Stars

Black holes... you know. Cosmic singularities that can contain the mass of billions of stars like our Sun. Where the…

18 years ago

The Sky is Full of Black Holes

Astronomers have been puzzling over a mystery for a few years now, and they think they might have an answer.…

19 years ago

Black Hole Gulps Down a Neutron Star

An international team of astronomers have analyzed a recent short gamma-ray burst, and they think it's the last scream of…

19 years ago

That Neutron Star Should Be a Black Hole

Astronomers were expecting that a massive star in the Westerlund 1 star cluster should have collapsed into a black hole.…

19 years ago