Book Reviews

Live TV from the Moon

Acting as a surrogate umbilical cord between society and its offspring, live television emissions connected the family's living room to…

13 years ago

Voyages of Discovery

[/caption]The end of the space shuttle's service life lies nigh before us. There's no surprise then that reviews are coming…

14 years ago

Moon 3-D

[/caption] As Earth's Moon gently passes across the night sky, Earth bound planners try to make it a more immediate…

14 years ago

Titan Unveiled

[/caption] Take a layer off a Matryoshka doll and you find more of the same. Try to answer questions about…

14 years ago

Backyard Guide to the Night Sky

[/caption] The National Geographic Society publishes popular accounts of a vast quantity of information related to the natural sciences. The…

14 years ago

Exploring the Solar System with Binoculars

[/caption] Passion drives us to do things beyond mere instinctive survival. Varied and distinct, these pastimes can absorb hours and…

14 years ago

Q & A with Mike Brown, Pluto Killer, part 2

[/caption] Here's part 2 of our conversation with astronomer Mike Brown. Yesterday, he talked about the latest findings on Eris,…

14 years ago

Q & A with Mike Brown, Pluto Killer, part 1

[/caption] Talk about sticking to your convictions. Astronomer Mike Brown discovered an object that, at the time, was thought to…

14 years ago

Review: “How I Killed Pluto and Why it Had it Coming” — Plus win a copy!

[/caption] It’s hard to imagine, but in 1992 astronomer Mike Brown didn’t know what the Kuiper Belt was. He had…

14 years ago

Review: “Packing for Mars” (and win a copy, too!)

[/caption] What happens if you vomit in your helmet during a spacewalk? Is it really difficult to burp in space?…

14 years ago