
Simulation Helps Explain Saturn’s Mysterious Hexagon

A new study of the mysterious hexagon-shaped storm at Saturn’s north pole suggests this phenomenon is actually the result of…

4 years ago

Sunrises Across the Solar System

Scientists have learned a lot about the atmospheres on various worlds in our Solar System simply from planetary sunrises or…

4 years ago

Scientists Construct a Global Map of Titan’s Geology

Titan's methane-based hydrologic cycle makes it one of the Solar System's most geologically diverse bodies. There are lakes of methane,…

5 years ago

There are Ring-Like Formations Around the Lakes on Titan

Some lakes on Titan have ring-like shapes around them, and scientists are trying to find out how they formed. Understanding…

5 years ago

Stunning Image Shows How Saturn’s Tiny Moon Sculpts the Planet’s Rings

The Cassini mission to Saturn ended a year and a half ago, but scientific results are still coming from all…

6 years ago

Saturn’s Rings are Only 10 to 100 Million Years Old

Can you imagine the Solar System without Saturn's rings? Can you envision Earth at the time the dinosaurs roamed the…

6 years ago

Cassini Saw Rain Falling at Titan’s North Pole

The Cassini mission to Saturn ended in September 2017, but the data it gathered during its 13 year mission is…

6 years ago

Titan’s Thick Clouds Obscure our View, but Cassini Took these Images in Infrared, Showing the Moon’s Surface Features

Saturn's moon Titan is a very strange place. It's surrounded by a dense, opaque atmosphere, the only moon in the…

6 years ago

Saturn is Losing its Rings, Fast. They Could be Gone Within 100 Million Years

According to new research based on data obtained by the Cassini probe, Saturn's rings could be gone within 100 million…

6 years ago

Titan First-Ever Detected Dust Storms Prove the Moon is More Earth-like than Ever

Based on Cassini data, an international team of scientists found evidence of dust storms on Titan, yet another thing it…

6 years ago