
Titan’s Colorful Crescent

[/caption] Made from one of the most recent Cassini images, this is a color-composite showing a backlit Titan with its dense, multi-layered…

13 years ago

Enceladus Gives Cassini Some Radar Love

[/caption] Cassini's done it again! Soaring over Saturn's moon Enceladus back on November 6, the spacecraft obtained the highest-resolution images…

13 years ago

Could Electrical Sprites Hold the Key to Extraterrestrial Life?

  [/caption] In 1989, meteorologists discovered sprites. Not the spirits, elves, or pixies that pepper Shakespearean comedies but their equally…

13 years ago

It’s Been a Stormy Year on Saturn (and Cassini’s been there to watch!)

[/caption] Nearly a year ago a small, bright white storm emerged on Saturn’s northern hemisphere. This storm has now wrapped…

13 years ago

Saturn’s Moon Plays Hide-and-Seek With Cassini

[/caption] Taken during the Cassini spacecraft's October 1 flyby of Saturn's ice-spewing moon, this image – released today – shows…

13 years ago

Enceladus and its Water Geysers Pose Again for Cassini

[/caption] Saturn's tiny moon Enceladus was the centre of attention for the Cassini spacecraft again last week, with beautiful new…

13 years ago

Stunning New Cassini Image: A Quartet of Moons

[/caption] The Cassini spacecraft has sent back yet another jaw-dropping image (just one of thousands now!) of four of Saturn's…

13 years ago

Suitable For Framing: Latest Eye Candy from Cassini

[/caption] Another Cassini stunner! This gorgeous, suitable-for-framing image shows two of Saturn's moons hanging below the planet's rings, as if…

13 years ago

Titan’s Technicolor Terrain

[/caption] At the University of Nantes, a group of international scientists have been piecing together one of the most amazing…

13 years ago