
It’s Finally Here! Comet Catalina Greets Dawn Skywatchers

If you love watching comets and live north of the equator, you've been holding your breath a l-o-n-g time for…

9 years ago

Hunting Unicorns: Is an Alpha Monocerotid Outburst Due in 2015?

What's rarer than a unicorn? Perhaps, its spying a a elusive meteor outburst from the heart of one... Ready for…

9 years ago

What’s Orbiting KIC 8462852 – Shattered Comet or Alien Megastructure?

"Bizarre." "Interesting." "Giant transit".  That were the reactions of Planet Hunters project volunteers when they got their first look at the light…

9 years ago

Comet US10 Catalina: Our Guide to Act II

Itching for some cometary action? After a fine winter’s performance from Comet C/2014 Q2 Lovejoy, 2015 has seen a dearth…

9 years ago

Adventures With Starblinker

Observational astronomy is a study in patience. Since the introduction of the telescope over four centuries ago, steely-eyed observers have…

9 years ago

SOHO Nears 3,000 Comet Discoveries

It’s a discovery that could come any day now. The Solar Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft known as SOHO is set to…

9 years ago

How to Find Rosetta’s Comet In Your Telescope

How would you like to see one of the most famous comets with your own eyes? Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko plies the…

9 years ago

More Evidence That Comets May Have Brought Life to Earth

The idea of panspermia -- that life on Earth originated from comets or asteroids bombarding our planet -- is not…

9 years ago

Spectacular Celestial Fireworks Commemorate Perihelion Passage of Rosetta’s Comet

Sequence of OSIRIS narrow-angle camera images from 12 August 2015, just a few hours before the comet reached perihelion. Credits:…

9 years ago

Dramatic Outburst at Rosetta’s Comet Just Days Before Perihelion

A comet on a comet? That's what it looks like, but you're witnessing the most dramatic outburst ever recorded at 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by the…

9 years ago