Hubble Captures The Sharpest Image Of A Disintegrating Comet Ever

Comets crack up regularly, but rarely do we get a front row seat to watch one disintegrate before our eyes.…

8 years ago

The Solar Heliospheric Observatory at 20

Flashback to 1995: Clinton was in the White House, Star Trek Voyager premiered, we all carried pagers in the pre-mobile…

9 years ago

SOHO Nears 3,000 Comet Discoveries

It’s a discovery that could come any day now. The Solar Heliospheric Observatory spacecraft known as SOHO is set to…

9 years ago

Some Of Comet ISON’s Organic Materials Arose In An Unexpected Place

While Comet ISON's breakup around Thanksgiving last year disappointed many amateur observers, its flight through the inner solar system beforehand…

10 years ago

ISON Stopped Making Dust Just Before It Passed By The Sun And Disintegrated

Last year's Thanksgiving adventure for astronomers happened when Comet ISON passed within 1.2 million kilometres (750,000 miles) of the Sun.…

10 years ago

Asteroid-Turned-Comet 2013 UQ4 Catalina Brightens: How to See it This Summer

Though ISON may have fizzled in early 2014, we’ve certainly had a bevy of binocular comets to track this year.…

11 years ago

Comet ISON Photo Contest Winners Rock the House!

Comet ISON's gone but positively not forgotten. The National Science Foundation today shared the results of their Comet ISON Photography…

11 years ago

Comet ISON Hosted A Rare Kind Of Nitrogen, Hinting At Reservoirs In Young Solar System

Comet ISON -- that bright comet last year that broke up around Thanksgiving weekend -- included two forms of nitrogen…

11 years ago

NEOWISE Spots Mars-Crossing Comet

One of the big ticket astronomical events of 2014 will be the close passage of Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring past…

11 years ago

A Possible Meteor Shower from Comet ISON?

Hey, remember Comet C/2012 S1 ISON? Who can forget the roller-coaster ride that the touted “Comet of the Century” took…

11 years ago