
This is How a Supermassive Black Hole Feeds

A new simulation has provided new insight into how supermassive black holes grow by feeding off of cosmic gas captured…

3 years ago

Is the Universe a Fractal?

We find examples of fractals everywhere in nature. Tree branches, snowflakes, river deltas, cloud formations, and more. So it's natural…

4 years ago

The Largest Rotating Objects in the Universe: Galactic Filaments Hundreds of Millions of Light-Years Long

We've known for a while about the large-scale structure of the Universe. Galaxies reside in filaments hundreds of millions of…

4 years ago

Is the Hubble constant not…Constant?

Cosmologists have been struggling to understand an apparent tension in their measurements of the present-day expansion rate of the universe,…

4 years ago

A Dark Matter map of our Local Cosmic Neighborhood

A new simulation by a team of astrophysicists has resulted in the most detailed 3D map of the cosmic web,…

4 years ago

What Happened Moments After the Big Bang?

New experiments in particle physics yield surprising results about the earliest matter in the universe.

4 years ago

A new Method Simulates the Universe 1000 Times Faster

Cosmologists love universe simulations.  Even models covering hundreds of millions of light years can be useful for understanding fundamental aspects…

4 years ago

11-Sigma Detection of Dark Energy Comes From Measuring Over a Million Extremely Distant Galaxies

A new study confirms the existence of dark energy with stunning accuracy.

4 years ago

A new Technique Could use Quasars to Directly Measure the Expansion Rate of the Universe

The evolution of cosmic expansion could be measured by a new method using intensity correlation speckles.

4 years ago

The Oldest Stars Help Tell us how big the Universe is

Astronomers are struggling to understand the discrepancies when measuring the expansion rate of the universe with different methods, and are…

4 years ago