Galactic dark matter is in a state of maximum entropy, which means it must interact with itself.
The dwarf galaxy known as Dragonfly 44 caused a stir recently: apparently it had way, way more dark matter than…
Dark matter makes up the vast majority of matter in the universe, but we can't see it. At least, not…
While recent studies suggest that dark matter interactions might create gamma rays, a new study of gamma rays in our…
Dark matter is much more clumpy than we thought, which means some dark matter might be very cold.
A detailed simulation of dark matter finds that dark matter haloes form in a wide range of sizes.
Most people with any interest in astronomy know about the Crab Nebula. It's a supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus,…
If we want to understand how the Universe evolves, we have to understand how its large structures form and evolve.…
Astronomers are very sure that dark matter exists, but they're not sure at all what it's made of. The problem…
Matter in the Universe is not distributed equally. It's dominated by super-clusters and the filaments of matter that string them…