Could a strange X-ray signal coming from the Perseus galaxy cluster be a hint of the elusive dark matter in…
An international team of astronomers has taken unprecedented images of intergalactic space — the diffuse and often invisible gas that…
Is it stretching it too far to think of a Lord of the Rings-esque "Entmoot" when reading the phrase "Council…
Funny how a single quasar can illuminate -- literally and figuratively -- some of the mysteries of the universe. From…
Roughly eighty percent of all the mass in the Universe is made of dark matter – a mysterious invisible substance…
Galaxy modelling is complicated, and even more so when different computer models don't agree on how the factors come together.…
We keep saying dark matter is so very hard to find. Astronomers say they can see its effects -- such…
Warped visions of the cosmic microwave background - the earliest detectable light - allow astronomers to map the total amount…
Atoms, string theory, dark matter, dark energy... there's an awful lot about the Universe that might make sense on paper…
Put another checkmark beside the "cold dark matter" theory. New observations by Japan's Subaru Telescope are helping astronomers get a…