Dark Matter

Ring of Dark Matter Discovered Around a Galaxy Cluster

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have turned up a ghostly ring of dark matter, surrounding the aftermath of a…

17 years ago

How Dark Matter Might Have Snuffed Out the First Stars

What role did dark matter play in the early Universe? Since it makes up the majority of matter, it must…

17 years ago

Some Galaxies Are Made Almost Entirely of Dark Matter

When we think of a galaxy, we think of our own Milky Way or perhaps Andromeda; a majestic spiral containing…

18 years ago

Missing Matter Could Be Clouds of Gas

NASA's Chandra X-Ray Observatory has located two huge clouds of interstellar hot gas that could partially explain where all the…

20 years ago

Dark Matter Halo Puzzles Astronomers

Astronomers using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory have discovered a huge halo of dark matter around an isolated elliptical galaxy; an…

20 years ago