Earth Observation

Latest Satellite Images/Videos as Hurricane Irene Bears Down on US East Coast

What a view: Here's a video of Hurricane Irene's path, starting on August 24 up until 18:40 UTC on August…

13 years ago

More Views of Hurricane Irene from Space: It’s Big

Here are several different views of Hurricane Irene: from 230 miles above the Earth, cameras on the International Space Station…

13 years ago

Explosive Phytoplankton Bloom Seen From Space

[/caption] Phytoplankton are tiny, microscopic plant-like organisms, but when they get together and start growing they can cover hundreds of…

13 years ago

Geodesy Is Alive And Well… And Splitting Hairs On Planet Earth

[/caption] When it comes to planet Earth, it's very important to know if we're growing or shrinking. While plate tectonics…

13 years ago

Manhattan-Sized Ice Island Seen From Space

[/caption] Taken by NASA astronaut and Expedition 27 flight  engineer Ron Garan, this image shows the Petermann Ice Island (PII-A)…

13 years ago

Satellite Looks Down the Eye of Erupting Nabro Volcano

[/caption] Wow! What an amazing and detailed top-down view of an active volcano! This is the Nabro Volcano, which has…

13 years ago

The longest day – Summer Solstice 21st June 2011

[/caption] June 21st, 2011 is Summer Solstice - the longest day of the year. This is the time when the…

13 years ago

Why Can We See Multiple ISS Passes Right Now?

[/caption] Last night in the UK, US and Europe, we were spoiled with multiple and bright ISS passes. Not just…

13 years ago

Astounding Satellite Views of the Puyehue-Cordón Ash Plume

[/caption] An incredible amount of ash is being spewed from the erupting Puyehue-Cordón Volcano Complex in Chile. This image, taken…

13 years ago

Aquarius Satellite Launches to Observe Earth’s Oceans

A picture-perfect launch on a Delta II rocket from Vandeberg Air Force Base in California sent the newest satellite into…

13 years ago