Earth Observation

Mount Merapi Still Blowing off Steam

[/caption] For about three weeks, Indonesia's Mount Merapi has been belching out lava, as well as ash and gas, clouding…

14 years ago

Simple Colors Could Provide First Details of Alien Worlds

At best, the few extrasolar planets we have imaged directly are just points of light. But what can that light…

14 years ago

Best of Earth from the ISS

The International Space Station has been orbiting the Earth every day for over 10 years, and the astronauts all say…

14 years ago

Most Intense Storm in History Cuts Across the US — As Seen from Space

[/caption] Yowza! – Here’s a satellite image of a storm of record-breaking proportions. On October 26, 2010, the strongest storm…

14 years ago

How NASA Helped Rescue the Chilean Miners

[/caption] The world has been transfixed by the rescue of 33 miners trapped nearly a kilometer (about a half a…

14 years ago

The New Blue Marble

[/caption] Despite recent news of potential habitable exoplanets and amazing images of Mars and the Saturn system returned from visiting…

14 years ago

Sunrise to Sunset: Time-Lapse View from the ISS

Those lucky enough to have gone to space have come back with a changed perspective and reverence for the planet…

14 years ago

NASA Satellites and Spacecraft Look Into the Eye of Hurricane Earl

[/caption] NASA scientists, instruments and spacecraft are busy studying Hurricane Earl from both the air and space, and an unmanned…

14 years ago

Students Send ICESat to a Fiery Deorbit Death

[/caption] NASA’s Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation (ICESat) mission is now on ice, so to speak, or perhaps we should…

14 years ago

Satellite Captures Three Tropical Cyclones in One Image

[/caption] My father had a favorite adage when life was hectic: "There's lots of commotion in the ocean." That saying…

14 years ago