Earth Observation

Last Weekend’s Auroras… From Space

Of course, as usual, we had rain here on Vancouver Island, Canada in December. But large portions of the Northern…

18 years ago

Europe’s New Weather Satellite Blasts Off

MetOp, a new European weather satellite, has successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The Russian Soyuz carrying MetOp…

18 years ago

Polar Ice is Melting Fast

New data gathered by NASA's QuikScat satellite has found that ice at the Arctic polar ice cap is disappearing rapidly.…

18 years ago

Connection Found Between the Earth and Space Weather

Researchers have found a connection between weather here on Earth, and the weather in space. The connection comes from the…

18 years ago

Human Influences Will Generate More Hurricanes

Climate scientists have uncovered more evidence that human activities are raising ocean temperatures, spawning more powerful hurricanes. The researchers used…

18 years ago

Ancient Ocean Released a Torrent of Methane

New research indicates that periods of global warming in the past triggered the release of vast quantities of methane stored…

18 years ago

Did the Earth Flip Over in the Past?

Scientists have found evidence that the Earth might have flipped over in the past, completely shifting the orientation of its…

18 years ago

The Secret to Earth’s Shining Auroras

Auroras appear near to the poles when material from the Sun interacts with the Earth's magnetic field. Now ESA's Cluster…

18 years ago

Satellites Measure Melting Greenland Ice

NASA's GRACE satellites have measured an increasing rate of ice melt in Greenland. According to new analysis by researchers at…

18 years ago

Cluster Spacecraft Catch a Magnetic Reconnection

ESA's Cluster spacecraft were in the right place at the right time on September 15, 2001. They flew through a…

18 years ago