
Ozone Success Story: NASA Video of Enviro Action That Worked

[/caption] Imagine the year 2065. Two-thirds of Earth's ozone is gone. The infamous ozone hole over Antarctica is a year-round…

16 years ago

Vernal Equinox – Busting the Myth of Balancing Eggs

[/caption] Spring officially arrives for everyone, including astronomers on March 20. The word "Equinox" literally means "equal night". It's all…

16 years ago

Indian Balloon Experiment Nets Three New Bacteria

[/caption] Indian scientists flying a giant balloon experiment have announced the discovery of three new species of bacteria from the…

16 years ago

Arizona Scientist: We Could All Be Martians

[/caption] As long as we’re still pondering human origins, we may as well entertain the idea that our ancestor microbes…

16 years ago

Earth Hour 2009 – Where Will You Be When The Lights Go Out?

With less than six weeks to go, more than 500 cities around the world have officially agreed to go dark…

16 years ago

New Company Looks to Produce Space Based Solar Power Within a Decade

[/caption] Is space-based solar power (SBSP) a technology whose time has come? The concept and even some of the hardware…

16 years ago

NASA Study Predicted Outbreak of Deadly Virus

Scientists have long suspected that climatic variables like sea surface temperature and precipitation could foreshadow outbreaks of disease. Now, they…

16 years ago

Climate Change Satellite gets Green Light for Launch

The European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite has been cleared for takeoff, following nearly a year…

16 years ago

Google Oceans, Google Mars

[/caption] Google Earth now allows you to probe the depths of Earth's oceans as well as fly through the giant…

16 years ago

Global Warming May Be Irreversible

A new paper published by a leading researcher says many effects of climate change are already irreversible. Susan Solomon, a…

16 years ago