This visible image of the winter storm over the U.S. south and East Coast was taken by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite…
Astronauts fired up the International Space Station's Yard-a-Pult (actually, we mean the Japanese Kibo arm's satellite launcher) this week to…
Farewell Yutu - artistic impression of Earthrise over Yutu at lunar landing site. This composite timelapse photomosaic combines farewell view…
Astronomers constantly probe the skies for the unexpected. They search for unforeseen bumps in their data — signaling an unknown…
One of the most striking features of the climate change 'debate' is that it’s no longer a debate. Climate scientists…
You are here! - As an Evening Star in the Martian Sky This evening-sky view taken by NASA's Mars rover…
We at Universe Today have snow on our minds these days with all this Polar Vortex talk. From out the…
How badly will climate change affect our planet? Different models tell us different things, and that's partly because we need…
The latest statistics are in from 2013 and both NASA’s and NOAA’s measurements of global temperatures show Earth continued to…
You may have noticed a change underway in your city lighting. High pressure sodium lights, with their familiar orange glow,…