This big! The M1.7-class flare that erupted from active region 1461 on Monday, April 16 let loose an enormous coronal…
[/caption] The European Space Agency's venerable Envisat satellite may have sent back its final image, according to recent news from…
I for one welcome our alien dinosaur overlords…maybe. Dinosaurs once roamed and ruled the Earth. Is it possible that similar…
[/caption] Recent research on lunar samples has shown that the Moon may be made of more Earth than green cheese…
[/caption] Usually astronauts have to go much farther away than low Earth orbit to see the entire world in one…
[/caption] Update: Good news: The latest bulletin from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, as of 13:00 UTC has canceled the…
I was traveling the day this video was released, so missed posting it earlier. If you haven't seen it yet,…
[/caption] A paper published in the journal Science in August 1981 made several projections regarding future climate change and anthropogenic…
[/caption] Earth just doesn't make crust like it used to... at least, not according to new research by a team…
You've seen all the videos and images we've been featuring lately that astronauts on the International Space Station have taken…