
Chilean Earthquake May Have Shortened the Length of a Day on Earth

[/caption] Yikes! Just how big was the magnitude 8.8 earth quake in Chile? One scientist says the shaking may have…

15 years ago

Does Zonal Swishing Play a Part in Earth’s Magnetic Field Reversals?

[/caption] Why does the Earth's magnetic field 'flip' every million years or so? Whatever the reason, or reasons, the way…

15 years ago

NASA Sun Probe rolled to Pad; 10 hours to Blast off

[/caption] (Editor's Note: Ken Kremer is at the Kennedy Space Center for Universe Today covering the launch of SDO and…

15 years ago

NASA advanced Solar Observatory nearing February launch; will send IMAX like movies daily

[/caption] NASA’s new solar science satellite, dubbed the Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, moved an important step closer to launch…

15 years ago

Deep, Fiery Undersea Volcano Captured on Video

Ever seen fire and smoke under water before? Oceanographers using a remotely operated underwater vehicle discovered and recorded the first…

15 years ago

Earth’s Atmosphere Came from Outer Space

[/caption] A new study finds the gases which formed the Earth's atmosphere – as well as its oceans - did…

15 years ago

Jupiter – Our Silent Guardian?

[/caption] We live in a cosmic shooting gallery. In Phil Plait's Death From the Skies, he lays out the dangers…

15 years ago

What If Earth Had Rings?

Here's a video that poses -- and answers -- an interesting question: what would Earth look like if it had…

15 years ago

The Stats Are In: No Global Cooling

[/caption] The idea that the world is now cooling has been repeated in opinion columns, talk radio, pundit television and…

15 years ago

Picture of Earth from Space

Looking for a picture of Earth from Space? Here is a collection. [/caption] Here's a spectacular image of the earth…

15 years ago