
Observing Challenge: Catch a Series of Mutual Eclipses by Jupiter’s Moons

Missing the planets this month? With Mars receding slowly to the west behind the Sun at dusk, the early evening…

10 years ago

Orbiting Solar Observatory Sees It Burn, Burn, Burn: The Ring of Fire

Did you catch the solar eclipse on October 23? If so, you saw the Moon "take a bite" out of…

10 years ago

Beautiful Images of the October 23, 2014, Partial Solar Eclipse

"The Sun looks like it has a bite taken out of it!" said one enthusiastic viewer of the partial solar…

10 years ago

Beastly Sunspot Amazes, Heightens Eclipse Excitement

That's one big, black blemish on the Sun today! Rarely have we been witness to such an enormous sunspot. Lifting…

10 years ago

How to Take Great Photographs of the October 23rd Partial Solar Eclipse and More

Get those solar viewers out… the final eclipse of 2014 occurs this Thursday on October 23rd, and most of North…

10 years ago

How to Safely Enjoy the October 23 Partial Solar Eclipse

2014 - a year rich in eclipses. The Moon dutifully slid into Earth's shadow in April and October gifting us with two…

10 years ago

Stunning Photos of the Hunter’s Moon Lunar Eclipse

Did you see it? On October 8, 2014, early risers in North and South America, east Asia, Australia and the…

10 years ago

REAL Images of Eclipses Seen From Space

That 'amazing astro-shot that isn’t' is making the rounds of 'ye ole web again. You know the one. “See an…

10 years ago

How to Take Great Photos of the Lunar Eclipse

Ready for Wednesday's morning lunar eclipse?  Some people - and I envy them at times - treat an eclipse more casually.…

10 years ago

Our Complete Guide to the October 8th “Hunter’s Moon” Total Lunar Eclipse

October 2014 means eclipse season 2 of 2 for the year is upon us. Don’t fear the ‘Blood Moon’ that’s…

10 years ago