
A Triple Occultation Bonanza: A Challenging Series of Occultations This Weekend and More

Got clear skies? This week’s equinox means the return of astronomical Fall for northern hemisphere observers and a slow but…

10 years ago

Stalking Uranus: A Complete Guide to the 2014 Opposition Season

It’s no joke… now is the time to begin searching the much-maligned (and mispronounced) planet Uranus as it reaches opposition…

10 years ago

Remembering the “World War I Eclipse”

The paths of total solar eclipses care not for political borders or conflicts, often crossing over war-torn lands. Such was…

10 years ago

Would the Real ‘SuperMoon’ Please Stand Up?

‘Tis the season once again, when rogue Full Moons nearing perigee seem roam the summer skies to the breathless exhortations…

10 years ago

Dramatic Timelapse of the Recent “Blood Moon” Eclipse

This timelapse of the lunar eclipse that took place April 15, 2014 will have you checking over your shoulder for…

10 years ago

Amazing Images of Today’s Solar Eclipse from Earth and Space

The images are pouring in. While most of North America slept this AM, Australians were treated to the very first…

10 years ago

Our Guide to the Bizarre April 29th Solar Eclipse

Will anyone see next week’s solar eclipse? On April 29th, an annular solar eclipse occurs over a small D-shaped 500…

10 years ago

Seeing Red: Spectacular Views of this Morning’s Total Lunar Eclipse

Did the Moon appear a little on crimson side to you last night? It’s not your imagination, but it was…

10 years ago

Webcasts and Forecasts for Tonight’s Total Lunar Eclipse

Are you ready for some eclipse action? We’re now within 24 hours of the Moon reaching its ascending node along…

10 years ago

The Science Behind the “Blood Moon Tetrad” and Why Lunar Eclipses Don’t Mean the End of the World

 By now, you may have already heard the latest tale of gloom and doom surrounding the upcoming series of lunar…

10 years ago