If you're not a chemist, an astrobiologist, or a scientist of any sort, and that includes most of us, then…
Billions of years ago, Mars was likely a much warmer and wetter place than the cold, dry, barren world we…
Strictly speaking, there aren't strict boundaries between Earth and space. Our atmosphere doesn't just end at a certain altitude; it…
A student team associated with the ESA recently developed a concept for a Moon base that would rely on lunar…
For some small minority of humans, Death By Asteroid is a desirable fate. The idea probably satisfies their wonky Doomsday…
New research using some of the latest Gaia mission data has revealed what happens to stars like our Sun once…
Just in time for the holidays, the ESO's Mars Express mission revealed a breathtaking image of a Martian crater that…
According to a new analysis of Rosetta data, the orbiter passed through the bow shock of Comet 67/P several times…
The ESA's NELIOTA project is busy monitoring the dark side of the Moon for impact flashes, which could tell us…
A handful of spacecraft have used ion engines to reach their destinations, but none have been as powerful as the…