
Astronauts Shave Their Heads Bald After U.S. Loses FIFA Match To Germany

Lose a soccer game and lose your hair. That's apparently the deal that American astronauts made on the International Space…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Comet Already Sweating The Small Stuff, Far From The Sun

Feeling thirsty? If you could somehow capture the water vapor from Rosetta's comet, you would have the equivalent of two…

10 years ago

Rosetta Detects Water on its Target Comet

It's no surprise that there is a lot of water in comets. The "dirty snowballs" (or dusty ice-balls, more accurately)…

10 years ago

Gaia Space Telescope Team Battles ‘Stray Light’ Problems At Start Of Mission

Europe's powerful Milky Way mapper is facing some problems as controllers ready the Gaia telescope for operations. It turns out…

10 years ago

ESA Marks 50 Years of Cooperative Space Innovation

In 1964 the European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) and the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) were founded, on February 29 and March…

10 years ago

Venus Express Prepares to Descend into Hell

Venus is definitely not a friendly planet for humanity. Soviet landers that arrived on the surface a few decades back…

10 years ago

Comet Jacques Brightens: How to See it in May

A recently discovered comet is headed northward and is set to put on one of two fine performances for binocular observers…

10 years ago

Amazing Images of Today’s Solar Eclipse from Earth and Space

The images are pouring in. While most of North America slept this AM, Australians were treated to the very first…

10 years ago

Speedy Satellite Beams Pictures Of Massive Floods Only Weeks After Reaching Orbit

After dodging space debris and living to tell the tale, Sentinel-1A is now being put through its paces for its…

10 years ago

Rosetta’s Philae Lander Snaps a Selfie

Philae is awake... and taking pictures! This image, acquired last night with the lander's CIVA (Comet nucleus Infrared and Visible…

10 years ago