
Beagle 2: Found on Mars After An 11 Year Hunt

The final chapter in the saga of a wayward Mars lander was finally revealed today, as an international team released…

10 years ago

ExoMars Hunting: Where Should The European Rover Land?

Picking a landing site on Mars is a complex process. There's the need to balance scientific return with the capabilities…

10 years ago

Martian Rover Prototype ‘Bryan’ Roves Renovated ‘Mars Yard’ In Europe

The five-year-old in me is really excited at picturing rovers in a sandbox. While piloting these machines around simulated Mars…

11 years ago

India’s First Mars Mission Set to Blast off Seeking Methane Signature

India is gearing up for its first ever space undertaking to the Red Planet - dubbed the Mars Orbiter Mission,…

11 years ago

Researchers Say ExoMars Could Detect Bacteria on Mars — Past or Present

Signs of life on the Martian surface would still be visible even after bacteria were zapped with a potentially fatal…

11 years ago

Haiku for Mars: Winners Selected for MAVEN Mission

Fans of Mars and spaceflight waxed poetic as the haiku selected to travel to Mars aboard the MAVEN spacecraft were…

11 years ago

Final Construction Starts for Europe’s 2016 Methane Sniffing Mars Mission

Has life ever existed on Mars? Or anywhere beyond Earth? Answering that question is one of the most profound scientific…

12 years ago

Will Russia Rescue ExoMars?

[/caption] After NASA was forced to back out the joint ExoMars mission with the European Space Agency due to budget…

13 years ago