
If a Star Has Less Metals, it Might Have a Better Chance to Spark Life

In the hunt for habitable worlds around other stars, planetary atmospheres provide fertile places to look. But, as a group…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find a Planet Using Gaia Data

The ESA's Gaia mission is our most accurate star-measuring spacecraft. It's busy mapping the positions and radial velocities of one…

2 years ago

Astronomers Find Out What Happens to Rocky Planets That Wander too Close to Their Stars

The massive Kepler survey found a treasure trove of exoplanets. But in all that wealth they found three anomalies: what…

2 years ago

Do Repeating Radio Signals Indicate an Exoplanet with a Magnetosphere?

There's an interesting problem in exoplanet studies: how to tell if a planet has a magnetosphere. It's not like we…

2 years ago

Finally, JWST's Data on the First TRAPPIST-1 Planet. Survey Says? It Sucks

With the James Webb Space Telescope’s ability to detect and study the atmospheres of distant planets orbiting other stars, exoplanet…

2 years ago

The Discovery of a Hot Neptune that Shouldn’t Exist

1800 light-years away, an unlikely survivor orbits an aged star. This rare planet is called a hot Neptune, and it's…

2 years ago

TESS Shows That Even Small Stars Can Host Giant Planets

Can low-mass stars play host to giant, Jupiter-sized planets? Theories of planet formation suggest that it's highly unlikely. But a…

2 years ago

Stars Can Eat Their Planets…and Spit Them Back Out Again

As tragic as it is, engulfment of a planetary object by its stellar parent is a common scenario throughout the…

2 years ago

Venus is Like an Exoplanet that’s Right Next Door

We're lucky to have a neighbour like Venus, even though it's totally inhospitable, wildly different from the other rocky planets,…

2 years ago

The Planet That Shouldn’t Exist

As of this writing, almost 5300 exoplanets spanning approximately 4000 planetary systems have been confirmed to exist in our universe.…

2 years ago