
Astronomers Find a “Marshmallow World”: the Lowest Density Gas Giant Ever Discovered

Exoplanet discovery space hosts all kinds of interesting "super" worlds. There are super-Earths, super-Neptunes, and, of course, Super-Jupiters. Recently, the…

2 years ago

Nitrous Oxide, aka “Laughing gas”, Could be an Indication of Life in an Exoplanet

A team of astronomers have proposed to hunt for signs of life by looking for the signature of nitrous oxide…

2 years ago

The Heaviest Element Ever Seen in an Exoplanet’s Atmosphere: Barium

Astronomers have spotted barium in the atmosphere of a distant exoplanet. With its 56 protons, you have to run your…

2 years ago

Scientists Discover a New Way Exoplanets Could Make Oxygen; Unfortunately, it Doesn’t Require Life

Finding oxygen in an exoplanet's atmosphere is a clue that life may be at work. On Earth, photosynthetic organisms absorb…

2 years ago

If we Detect This gas on Other Planets, it’s a Good Sign There’s Life There

Here is an idea that likely never crossed the mind of most space enthusiasts - a gas emitted from broccoli…

2 years ago

If Earth Were an Exoplanet, it Would Still be Tricky to Figure Out if There’s Life Here

How would Earth appear to alien astronomers? What would their observations tell them about Earth if they searched the heavens…

2 years ago

A Solar Gravitational Lens Will be Humanity's Most Powerful Telescope. What are its Best Targets?

In the future, astronomers could use the Sun's gravity as a telescopic lens, and map the surfaces of nearby exoplanets.

2 years ago

Earthlike Worlds With Oceans and Continents Could be Orbiting red Dwarfs, Detectable by James Webb

"Go then, there are other worlds than these." Or so Stephen King said in his famous Dark Tower series. As…

2 years ago

Two “Super Mercury” Exoplanets Found in a Single System

There's a star system out there with three super-Earth planets and two super-Mercuries. Super-Earths are fairly familiar types of exoplanets,…

2 years ago

Habitable Planets Will Most Likely be Cold, Dry “Pale Yellow Dots”

Remember all the habitable planets we've seen in science fiction movies? There's wintry Hoth, for example, and overwhelmingly hot Dune.…

2 years ago