
What Impact Does Ozone Have on an Exoplanet?

As we discover more and more exoplanets - and the current total is in excess of 5,200 - we continue…

3 months ago

A New Deep Learning Algorithm Can Find Earth 2.0

How can machine learning help astronomers find Earth-like exoplanets? This is what a recently accepted study to Astronomy & Astrophysics…

3 months ago

Sorry Spock, But “Vulcan” Isn’t a Planet After All

In 2018, astronomers detected an exoplanet around the star 40 Eridani. It's about 16 light-years away in the constellation Eridanus.…

3 months ago

A Mini-Neptune in the Habitable Zone in a Binary Star System

Sometimes, it seems like habitable worlds can pop up almost anywhere in the universe. A recent paper from a team…

3 months ago

A New Venus-Sized World Found in the Habitable Zone of its Star

The parade of interesting new exoplanets continues. Today, NASA issued a press release announcing the discovery of a new exoplanet…

4 months ago

Webb Explains a Puffy Planet

I love the concept of a ‘puffy’ planet! The exoplanets discovered that fall into this category are typically the same…

4 months ago

Maybe Ultra-Hot Jupiters Aren’t So Doomed After All

Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are some of the most fascinating astronomical objects in the cosmos, classified as having orbital periods of…

4 months ago

Could Alien Solar Panels Be Technosignatures?

If alien technological civilizations exist, they almost certainly use solar energy. Along with wind, it's the cleanest, most accessible form…

4 months ago

Saturn-Sized Exoplanet Isn’t Losing Mass Quickly Enough

We have discovered over 5,000 planets around other star systems. Amongst the veritable cosmic menagerie of exoplanets, it seems there…

4 months ago

TRAPPIST-1 Outer Planets Likely Have Water

The TRAPPIST-1 solar system generated a swell of interest when it was observed several years ago. In 2016, astronomers using the Transiting…

4 months ago