
Time-lapse Video Documents Assembly of Webb Telescope Primary Mirror

NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - A time-lapse video newly released by NASA documents the painstakingly complex assembly of…

9 years ago

Massive Planet Gone Rogue Discovered

A massive rogue planet has been discovered in the Beta Pictoris moving group.

9 years ago

Largest Rocky World Found

Astrophysicists using the Kepler Spacecraft have discovered the largest rocky planet yet: BD+20594b is 16 times as massive as Earth.

9 years ago

All Primary Mirrors Fully Installed on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope

NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - All 18 of the primary mirrors have been fully installed onto the flight…

9 years ago

Earth From Afar Would Look Only 82% Right For Life

How habitable would Earth look from a distant point in the Milky Way? As it turns out, there's only an…

9 years ago

Lonely But Not Alone: A Planet Orbits its Star at 1 Trillion Kilometres

A recently discovered planet that orbits its star at 1 trillion kilometres raises questions about our understanding of solar system…

9 years ago

Do Comets Explain Mystery Star’s Bizarre Behavior?

The story of KIC 8462852 appears far from over. You'll recall NASA's Kepler mission had monitored the star for four years,…

9 years ago

Sweet Sights for November Nights

Clear night ahead? Let's see what's up. We'll start close to home with the Moon, zoom out to lonely Fomalhaut 25 light…

9 years ago

A New “Mathematical” Definition Proposed for What Constitutes a Planet

In the current (heated) debate of what constitutes a planet, it seems everyone can agree at least one thing: The…

9 years ago

Radio waves absent from the reputed megastructure-encompassed Kepler star?

Astronomers at the SETI institute (search for extraterrestrial intelligence) have reported their findings after monitoring the reputed megastructure-encompassed star KIC 8462852.  No…

9 years ago