Extrasolar Planets

Here’s What the Climate Might Look Like on Proxima Centauri B

NASA scientists have run simulations that show what the climate on Proxima b might be like, with encouraging results!

5 years ago

Giant Planets Could Form Around Tiny Stars in Just a Few Thousand Years

A new study has shown how gas giants (like Proxima c) can exist around Red Dwarf suns, the most common…

5 years ago

In About 3 Million Years, WASP-12b Will Spiral into its Star and be Consumed

A new study led by Princeton researchers has confirmed that in the long run, hot Jupiters are destined to be…

5 years ago

“Super-Puff” Exoplanets Aren’t Like Anything We’ve Got in the Solar System

A new study by a team led from the University of Colorado, Boulder, has discovered a rare and unique class…

5 years ago

Neptune-Sized Planet Found Orbiting a Dead White Dwarf Star. Here’s the Crazy Part, the Planet is 4 Times Bigger Than the Star

Astronomers have discovered a large Neptune-sized planet orbiting a white dwarf star. The planet is four times bigger than the…

5 years ago

What’s the Best Way to Sail From World to World? Electric Sails or Solar Sails?

A new study compares two potential means of interstellar exploration, which could have implications for both space exploration and the…

5 years ago

Breakthrough Listen and NASA Team Up to Look for Signs of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence!

Breakthrough Listen recently entered into a partnership with members of the NASA TESS mission team to search for aliens!

5 years ago

Astronomers Find Cyanide Gas in Interstellar Object 2I/Borisov, but Don’t Panic Like it’s 1910

An international team of astronomers recently obtained spectra from the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov, which confirmed the presence of cyanide gas.

5 years ago

Exoplanet Orbits its Star Every 18 Hours. The Quickest Hot-Jupiter Ever Found

The Next Generation Transit Survey recently discovered a hot-Jupiter with the shortest orbital period observed to date, just 18 hours!

5 years ago

Better Than Earth? Are There Superhabitable Worlds In The Milky Way?

I’ve said many times in the past that the Earth is the best planet in the Universe. No matter where…

5 years ago