Extrasolar Planets

Astronomers Image the Atmosphere of a Red Dwarf Planet for the First Time. Spoiler Alert, it’s a Terrible Place to Live

Using data from the Spitzer Space Telescope, a team of astronomers was able to study the surface of an exoplanet…

5 years ago

Earth is an Exoplanet to Aliens. This is What They’d See

A team of Caltech researchers developed a new method that shows what Earth would look like to extra-terrestrial observers, which…

5 years ago

The Planet-Hunting TESS Discovers Its Smallest Exoplanet to Date

TESS recently discovered a three-planet system orbiting a red dwarf star 35 light years away, increasing the number of rocky…

5 years ago

Two Earth-Like Worlds Found Orbiting a Red Dwarf Only 12.5 Light-Years Away

The CARMENES project has detected two more Earth-like planets that orbit a red dwarf star just 12.5 light years away

5 years ago

Prototype of a Future Interstellar Probe was Just Tested on a Balloon

Researchers with the UCSB Experimental Cosmology Group recently conducted a successful stratospheric test of their wafercraft, which could be traveling…

5 years ago

The Closest Star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, has a Planet in the Habitable Zone. Life Could be There Right Now

A new study by a team from the Carl Sagan institutes shows how life could survive the harsh radiation on…

5 years ago

Which Habitable Zones are the Best to Actually Search for Life?

A new study conducted by an international team of scientists examines what the term "habitable zone" means and how next-generation…

6 years ago

Complex Life Might Require a Very Narrow Habitable Zone

A new study has placed new constraints on the emergence of complex life, which effectively narrows what what we would…

6 years ago

Meet WFIRST, The Space Telescope with the Power of 100 Hubbles

WFIRST ain't your grandma's space telescope. Despite having the same size mirror as the surprisingly reliable Hubble Space Telescope, clocking…

6 years ago

This is Kepler’s Final Image

Even in retirement, the Kepler space telescope is still allowing for discoveries, which include it's "last light" images and recordings.

6 years ago