Extrasolar Planets

How Big Would a Generation Ship Need to be to Keep a Crew of 500 Alive for the Journey to Another Star?

In their latest in a series of studies concerning generation ships, the team addresses how large the ship would need…

6 years ago

What Would be the Benefits of an Interstellar Probe?

A new study from the Initiative for Interstellar Studies outlines the benefits and requirements of sending a probe on an…

6 years ago

Geothermal Heating Could Make Life Possible on the Super Earth Planet at Barnard’s Star

In 2018, scientists announced the discovery of a extrasolar planet orbiting Barnard's star, an M-type (red dwarf) that is just…

6 years ago

Seeding the Milky Way with Life Using Genesis Missions

Claudius Gros, the founder of Project Genesis, makes the case that when it comes to extrasolar planets, the rules of…

6 years ago

Habitable Planets Around Red Dwarf Stars Might not get Enough Photons to Support Plant Life

A new study shows that planets orbiting red dwarf stars may not get enough radiation to support photosynthesis.

6 years ago

NASA’s Technosignatures Report is Out. Every Way to Find Evidence of an Intelligent Civilization

NASA's final report from their Technosignature Workshop is now out and addresses all the ways in which humanity is looking…

6 years ago

Even if Exoplanets Have Atmospheres With Oxygen, it Doesn’t Mean There’s Life There

In their efforts to find evidence of life beyond our Solar System, scientists are forced to take what is known…

6 years ago

Astronomers Find One of the Sun’s Sibling Stars. Born From the Same Solar Nebula Billions of Years Ago

The AMBRE project, an international consortium of astronomers, was able to find a star that formed with our Sun (and…

6 years ago

The Power of the Wobble: Finding Exoplanets in the Shifting of Starlight

They say there's more than one way to skin an interstellar cat, and in astronomy there's more than one way…

6 years ago

Super Earth Planet Found Around One of the Closest Stars to us. But it’s Probably a Terrible Place to Live

The Red Dots and CARMENES projects recently announced the discovery of a super-Earth around Barnard's Star, making it the second-closest…

6 years ago