Extrasolar Planets

It Looks Like Plate Tectonics Aren’t Required to Support Life

According to a new study, it is possible that extra-solar planets with no plate tectonics might be capable of supporting…

6 years ago

With All These New Planets Found in the Habitable Zone, Maybe it’s Time to Fine Tune the Habitable Zone

According to a new study from the Earth-Life Science Institute, it may be time to fine-tune what astronomers mean by…

6 years ago

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope will Inspect the Atmospheres of Distant Gas Giants

When the James Webb Space Telescope is deployed, it will study and characterize the atmospheres of gas giants, with the…

6 years ago

Kepler Mission Placed in Hibernation to Download Data Before its Last Campaign

The Kepler mission has been put into hibernation prior to downloading data from its 18th campaign and commencing its last.

6 years ago

What Would a Camera on a Breakthrough Starshot Spacecraft See if it’s Going at High Velocity?

In a recent study, a pair of astrophysicists suggest that Breakthrough Starshot could also test Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity…

6 years ago

Stunning First Ever Photograph of a Newly Forming Planet

A team of international astronomers recently captured the first image of a newly-formed planet, which will allow astronomers to test…

6 years ago

One Way to Find Aliens Would be to Search for Artificial Rings of Satellites: Clarke Belts

In a new study, astrophysicist Hector Socas-Navarro proposes searching for aliens by looking for signs of dense satellite rings around…

6 years ago

Does Climate Change Explain Why We Don’t See Any Aliens Out There?

Addressing the Fermi Paradox, a team of researchers recently conducted a study predicts whether or not Climate Change may be…

6 years ago

Chandra Observatory Checks to Make Sure Alpha Centauri is Safe, You Know, in Case We Decide to Visit

Using over a decade of data collected by the Chandra X-ray observatory, a new study indicates that the Alpha Centauri…

6 years ago

Language in the Cosmos II: Hello There GJ273b

The ‘Language in the Cosmos’ symposium Three times in October, 2017 researchers turned a powerful radar telescope near Tromsø, Norway…

6 years ago