Extrasolar Planets

Researchers Just Scanned 14 Worlds From the Kepler Mission for “Technosignatures”, Evidence of Advanced Civilizations

In the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI), a team of astronomers recently searched through the Kepler field to look for…

7 years ago

For the First Time, Planets Have Been Discovered in ANOTHER Galaxy!

Thanks to a new study performed by a pair of astrophysicists from the University of Oklahoma, the first extra-galactic planets…

7 years ago

The New Earth-Sized Planet Hunting Telescope ExTrA is Now Online

The Exoplanets in Transits and their Atmospheres (ExTrA), just went online and is now searching for exoplanets around red dwarf…

7 years ago

Upcoming Telescopes Should be Able to Detect Mountains and Other Landscapes on Extrasolar Planets

According to a new study by a team from Columbia University, the upcoming super telescopes might be able to detect…

7 years ago

What is the Gravitational Microlensing Method?

The Gravitational Microlensing method relies on rare events (one star passing in front of another) to focus light and search…

7 years ago

What is the Radial Velocity Method?

The Radial Velocity (aka. Doppler Spectroscopy) Method relies on measurements of a planet's "wobble" to determine the presence of one…

7 years ago

Astronomers Figure Out a New Way to Search for Planets at Alpha Centauri

A mew study by a team of exoplanet scientists has revealed what kinds of planets are likely to lurk around…

7 years ago

Red Dwarf Star, Planet Orbiting at Right Angles. Mayhem.

A new study of a well-known exoplanet has revealed something very strange. Apparently, the planet orbits its star from pole…

7 years ago

Astronomers Find Another Solar System with 8 Planets. Uh, Pluto, About that Deplaneting…

A research team recently applied a Google "neural net" to Kepler data, which conformed the existence of a star system…

7 years ago

How Long Can a Rocky World Withstand the Blasts From a Red Dwarf Star?

In a presentation at the Fall Meeting of the American Geological Union, a team of researchers showed how MAVEN data…

7 years ago