Extrasolar Planets

Another Nearby Red Dwarf Star System, Another Possible Exoplanet Discovered!

A new study from the University of Texas Arlington has indicated that the Gliese 832 system (located just 16 light-years…

7 years ago

Potentially Habitable, Tidally-Locked Exoplanets May be Very Common, say New Study

A new study from the University of Washington indicates that tidally-locked planets may be quite common, a finding which has…

7 years ago

New Study Claims There are Four Exoplanets Around Nearest Sun-Like Star!

A recent study by an international team of scientists has revealed four Earth-like planets around tau Ceti, a Sun-like star…

7 years ago

Standford Team Creates mDOT, a Mini-Starshade for Exoplanet Research

A team from Standford University's Space Rendezvous Laboratory have created a small-scale demonstrator of Starshade technology to help in the…

7 years ago

Hubble Eyes Stratosphere Around a Very Hot, Watery Jupiter!

A recent study by a team of astronomers, using data provided by Hubble, has provided the best evidence to date…

7 years ago

Kepler Spots the First Exomoon Candidate 4000 Light Years From Earth

Relying on Kepler data, a recent study led by researchers from the University of Columbia has turned up the first…

7 years ago

Advanced Civilizations Could Build a Galactic Internet with Planetary Transits

In a recently published paper, Dr. Duncan Forgan proposed that alien civilizations could create a "galactic internet" by using artificial…

7 years ago

NASA Announces 10, That’s Right 10! New Planets in Their Star’s Habitable Zone

The latest catalog to be released by the Kepler mission features and additional 10 potentially-habitable planets, and has led to…

7 years ago

Even Calm Red Dwarf Stars Blast Their Planets with Mini-Flares, Destroying their Habitability

A study presented at the annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society this week has dealt another blow to the…

7 years ago

Super-Earth Planet Found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star

A study produced by an international team of researchers, using the HARPS-N survey, has detected a potentially habitable super-Earth just…

7 years ago