Extrasolar Planets

First Detection of Water Clouds Outside Our Solar System

Astronomers have now determined a nearby brown dwarf has some exciting characteristics: its atmosphere is full of clouds of water…

8 years ago

New System Discovered with Five Planets

NASA's planet-discovering Kepler mission suffered a major mechanical failure in May 2013, but thanks to innovative techniques subsequently implemented by…

8 years ago

Webb Telescope Gets its Science Instruments Installed

The package of powerful science instruments at the heart of NASA’s mammoth James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have been successfully…

8 years ago

Friendly Giants Have Cozy Habitable Zones Too

According to a recent study from the Carl Sagan Institute, aging red giant stars could still have habitable zones that…

8 years ago

Three New Earth-sized Planets Found Just 40 Light-Years Away

Three more potentially Earthlike worlds have been discovered in our galactic backyard, announced online today by the European Southern Observatory. Researchers using the…

8 years ago

Did the Sun Steal Planet Nine?

One of the biggest new mysteries in our Solar System is the purported presence of a large and distant "Planet Nine,"…

8 years ago

ALMA Captures Never-Before-Seen Details of Protoplanetary Disk

ALMA, a network of radio telescopes, creates the most detailed images ever of a solar system forming around a nearby…

8 years ago

First Super-Earth Atmosphere Detected

Exotic "Diamond Planet" gets even more exotic with the discovery of a hydrogen-rich atmosphere.

9 years ago

Time-lapse Video Documents Assembly of Webb Telescope Primary Mirror

NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - A time-lapse video newly released by NASA documents the painstakingly complex assembly of…

9 years ago

Do Comets Explain Mystery Star’s Bizarre Behavior?

The story of KIC 8462852 appears far from over. You'll recall NASA's Kepler mission had monitored the star for four years,…

9 years ago