Extrasolar Planets

New Research Suggests Better Ways To Seek Out Pale Blue Dots

The search for worlds beyond our own is one of humankind's greatest quests. Scientists have found thousands of exoplanets orbiting…

10 years ago

Yes, You Can Find Exoplanets With A Simple Camera And Telephoto Lens

If you think exoplanet detections are only in the realm of professional planet-hunting telescopes such as Kepler, take a look…

10 years ago

New Analysis Sets a Space & Time Zone for Complex Life

If too close to an environment harboring complex life, a gamma ray burst could spell doom for that life. But…

10 years ago

‘Double Earths’ Could Be Fun Exoplanets To Hunt For — If They Exist

One big driver in the search for exoplanets is whether life can exist elsewhere in the Universe. In fact, a…

10 years ago

Dusty Baby Solar System Gives Clues On How Our Sun And Planets Grew Up

This isn't a clone of our Solar System, but it's close enough. Scientists eagerly scrutinized a young star system called…

10 years ago

ALMA Shows Off Baby Pictures… Baby Planets, That Is!

In a test of its new high resolution capabilities, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is happily sharing some family…

10 years ago

Double Disc Found Feeding Each Other In Binary Star System

Deep within the Taurus Dark Cloud complex, one of the closest star-forming regions to Earth has just revealed one of…

10 years ago

Alien Planet’s Clear Weather Could Show Way To ‘Super-Earth’ Atmospheres

In an encouraging find for habitability researchers, astronomers have detected molecules on the smallest planet ever -- a Neptune-sized planet…

10 years ago

Wow! Water Ice Clouds Suspected In Brown Dwarf Beyond The Solar System

What are planetary atmospheres made of? Figuring out the answer to that question is a big step on the road…

10 years ago

‘Venus Zone’: The Anti-Habitable Area Around A Star That Can Breed Hell

Our hothouse planet of the solar system, Venus, is possibly a product of how close it is to the Sun,…

10 years ago