Extrasolar Planets

What Steps Are Needed To Find More Earths?

It wasn't so long ago that we found out there is an Earth-sized planet in a habitable zone of a…

10 years ago

Take a Fly-by Of All the Known Exoplanets

Here's a fun trip through the galaxy, put together by PhD student Tom Hands at the University of Leicester: In…

10 years ago

Kepler Has Found the First Earth-Sized Exoplanet in a Habitable Zone!

It's truly a "eureka" moment for Kepler scientists: the first rocky Earth-sized world has been found in a star's habitable…

10 years ago

“Death Stars” Caught Blasting Proto-Planets

 It’s a tough old universe out there. A young star has lots to worry about, as massive stars just beginning…

11 years ago

Giant Planet May Be Lurking In ‘Poisonous’ Gas Around Beta Pictoris

A Saturn-mass planet might be lurking in the debris surrounding Beta Pictoris, new measurements of a debris field around the…

11 years ago

Mega Discovery! 715 Alien Planets Confirmed Using A New Trick On Old Kepler Data

Planet-watchers, some exciting news: you know how we keep talking about planet candidates, those planets that have yet to be…

11 years ago

New Technique Finds Water in Exoplanet Atmospheres

As more and more exoplanets are identified and confirmed by various observational methods, the still-elusive "holy grail" is the discovery…

11 years ago

We ‘Hype’ Alien World Findings Amid Little Data, Exoplanet Scientist Says

With exoplanet discoveries coming at us several times a month, finding these worlds is a hot field of research. Once…

11 years ago

New Planet-Hunting Telescope To Join Search For Alien Earths In 2024

How could life arise in young solar systems? We're still not sure of the answer on Earth, even for something…

11 years ago

Kepler’s Universe: More Planets in Our Galaxy Than Stars

Astronomers estimate that the Milky Way contains up to 400 billion stars and thanks to the Kepler mission, we can…

11 years ago