Extrasolar Planets

Zooniverse Reaches One Million Volunteers

Zooniverse — the renowned home of citizen science projects — is now one million strong. That’s one million registered volunteers…

11 years ago

New Technique Puts Exoplanets on the Scale

Astronomers constantly probe the skies for the unexpected. They search for unforeseen bumps in their data — signaling an unknown…

11 years ago

High Potential for Life Circling Alpha Centauri B, our Nearest Neighbor

While exoplanets make the news on an almost daily basis, one of the biggest announcements occurred in 2012 when astronomers…

11 years ago

‘Wobbly’ Alien Planet Has Weird Seasons And Orbits Two Stars

We're lucky to live on a planet where it's predictably warmer in the summer and colder in the winter in…

11 years ago

Super-Earths Could Be More ‘Superhabitable’ Than Planets Like Ours

Alien planets that are slightly bigger than Earth could be more life-friendly than exoplanets closer to our own size, a new study…

11 years ago

Young Planets Migrated In Double-Star Systems, Model Shows

Binary star systems are downright dangerous due to their complex gravitational interactions that can easily grind a planet to pieces.…

11 years ago

Nearby Brown Dwarf Captured in a Direct Image

A recent find announced by astronomers may go a long ways towards understanding a crucial “missing link” between planets and…

11 years ago

Super-sensitive Camera Captures a Direct Image of an Exoplanet

The world's newest and most powerful exoplanet imaging instrument, the recently-installed Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) on the 8-meter Gemini South…

11 years ago

Kepler Finds an Earth-Sized “Gas Giant”

Gas planets aren't always bloated, monstrous worlds the size of Jupiter or Saturn (or larger) they can also apparently be…

11 years ago

How Scientists Confirmed The Mass Of An Invisible Exoplanet

Planets are so very tiny next to stars outside of the solar system, making it really hard to spot exoplanets…

11 years ago